I know you are discussing WHICH is better, but actually intelligence and beauty are likely correlated: www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/explainer/2012/01/are_smart_people_ugly_the_explainer_s_2011_question_of_the_year_.html
Also, your final argument doesn't make sense. It's just as possible for someone to get into an accident that damages their brain as one that damages their looks.
Finally, IQ and beauty are both largely determined by genetics, so IQ is not any more earned than looks, and if you judge someone for being stupid it's no different from judging them for being ugly. Either way you're judging them for something largely out of their control. Someone can study to try to increase their IQ, but this is much harder than learning to effectively use makeup or even getting plastic surgery. Furthermore, why do we judge people for trying to increase their beauty, but not for trying to increase their intelligence?
This is coming from a woman who never wears any makeup and considers herself average in appearance. I just like objectivity.