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RE: Are You Getting All That You Can From The Three Centers of Knowing (Head, Heart + Gut)?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Wonderful! I think humans are just starting to awaken to the 4th center: BE. We are Spiritual BEings and our mere existence grants us knowing of the universe. The more we learn how to BE present, how to BE at peace, the more knowledge we can gain in our travels. One of the best parts of life is observing and connecting with our environment on all levels. Our power comes from within us, from the spark of the divine that just IS.


There you go... living up to your name. Clever. Timely. :-)

I couldn't agree with you more, @mscleverclocks. Embodiment is where it's at. BE the thing. Yes, ma'am. That's it, in entirety. XO