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RE: How can you know what is real?

in #philosophy6 years ago

The irony. The specific Mandela effect I had in mind was 'Dilemna/Dilemma'.
I and many others remember it being an 'N', like Column or Autumn.
Apparently this was never true. Except it was.
Imagine how unnerving it would be if one day, 'solemn' autocorrected to 'solemm'.
You check a dictionary and it says, 'solemm'.
You ask friends and family and they all say it's always been 'solemm'
How long would you persist in your certainty that it used to have an 'N' at the end?
That's exactly how I feel about 'Dilemna'


Oh you're so right! It is dilemna isn't it, always has been. Much like the Berenstain/Berenstein Bears phenomenon?

Now it's on-chain, 'Dilemna' will never truly die.
Someone in an office somewhere just failed a KPI :)

Encapsulated in foreverness! A demotion may be called for, or maybe another chain will render this one redundant and invalid and it all becomes encrypted