Thanks my friend.
One of the most difficult things for me to distinguish while growing up was when to stand up against it and when to rise above it and be indifferent. Sometimes I still struggle. There is some basic premise I should be using that would make the decision quicker but I'm not sure exactly what it is. My integrity, my self-worth. Those things together anyway. Still I am unsure.
There have been time so in my life where things have been said and I took too long to decide if I should say something against it and then later found myself regretting not standing up for myself, almost like it looked like a lack of self- respect. Actually it was me trying to think about the situation rationally, not to act on emotion, but I took too long. That shouldn't be that way and that how I know I'm missing some basic premise. When I figure out what that is I think I'll be a lot stronger and sure of myself in these situations.
Love 🐾🐾 ;-)
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