Very eloquently presented, sir.
The scab has to be peeled off, and it's centuries old.
It will be painful.
Like you (matrix) says - some people will fight to keep their captivity.
I'm not sure at what point 'terminal velocity' of awakening will be achieved. (or can be achieved , in my more pessimistic moods...)
I feel like we are approaching that point, but who knows if this feeling isn't just some psy-op that we are all led into feeling...?
I t can happen, but it can also not happen. The more people that talk about it, the more potential to reach other and cascade into a critical mass where most others will just "go with the flow" towards a better way of life. It could be a false hope... but better to hope and try than not ;)
Agreed. 100%.
We try everyday by writing our truths.
And I hope the internet and blockchain will be the agent of change.
I remember in the early nineties and people were laughing at the noises of my dial up modem - and the blank look on their faces when I said this thing (internet) will be next biggest thing since the wheel....
It's unique.
We have nothing to compare to in history.
And blockchain is a 'truth ledger'(or lie ledger). If lies can't be covered - it's a good start..