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RE: A romantic at mind

in #philosophy7 years ago

Thanks for the link to the Gettier paper - I've never heard of him before and it was interesting reading. To be honest I didn't even realise that people were claiming we could definitvely "know"things. Perhaps I'm just too old school. I'm of the view that we can't really "know" anything but our own existence (ala Descarte) and everything else is just speculation (no matter how much evidence/ 'justified belief' etc we have for it).
My biggest issue with the "scientific world view" (as opposed to the scientific method) is that it ASSUMES that we things are true/ facts/ knowledge rather than taking Karl Poppers thinking onboard and understanding that these things may not be true/ known but rather they just haven't proven false.
I know that I know nothing - but if I know this then I know something, so I don't/can't even know that I know nothing lol!