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RE: A Collision of Forces: The Spiral Dance of Capitalism, Communism, and Fascism... Buzzwords and Labels Unite

in #philosophy7 years ago

So called 'net neutrality' in other words. Government regulations. Rule of thumb. Regulations are BAD...

Yes, traffic rules are bad. Because if there weren't none, we could all drive like we wanted! Nobody to yield for! Yeah!

And who needs food safety standards? After the first 100 dead people the company will lose so much reputation they will lose sales and will have to change their brand name!

I have respect for different views, but this holy zealot stupidity is just that: stupid.


Also assuming that people can't do those things without some government entity forcing them to do it is STUPID.

So you are just as much a zealot. I just don't worship the state, recognize their "appeal to authority" as proving anything... and treating something as absurd is an appeal to the stone fallacy. At least if you just say it and don't prove it.

That said... yes, we each can have our own views. I could consider you stupid for yours as you could consider me stupid for mine.

Yet I don't. I realize that someone not agreeing with my point of view doesn't necessarily have anything to do with stupidity.

How do people prevent $Company from charging you extra for free speech websites? Storm their company headquarter with assault rifles?

No, that would be an attack on property!