It seems that my last post about The Good Vs Evil Delusion has sparked some debate in regards to whether absolute truths exist.
I wrote another post about this a while back titled There Are No Absolute Truths so consider this post part 2. Before you jump to any conclusions about the validity of my premise (title) please read along.

Is the Statement Self Defeating?
Many people claim that the statement "There Are No Absolute Truths" is self defeating. This is erroneous since the sentence itself implies that the author is aware that even his own statement cannot be absolute. Most people that assume that the statement is self defeating is because they believe that the author, much like them, holds the belief that absolute truth exist.I explain the concept of relativism in detail in another previous post Blind Following The blind . There, I specifically detail how he human perspective will always be limited because we are doomed to follow hollow concepts that have been passed down to us. How can we possibly assert absolute truth about anything when everything in this universe is subject to change after all?

Testing the hypothesis
There is a great video from Vsauce where the guy explains more or less how under specific rules the earth is flat. His entire process is scientific and provides substantial evidence. The point is that everything is a matter of perspective, even in science.
The human experience is inherently inadequate. The tools we have created so far in order to evaluate everything around us are based on our limited biological senses. We know this because almost all other mammals have superior senses than us. Whether our brain is "better" because we have accomplished so much more than other animals is also a matter of interpretation. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy frames this idea eloquently;
“For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What Is Absolutely True For You Is Not For Someone Else
The debates I had so far eventually brought up Hitler (as always). Besides the fact that Ad Hitlerum is a common logical fallacy, what Hitler did was not objectively immoral or false. For millions of Germans, Japanese and Italians that supported his views what he did was objectively morally justifiable. Whether one disagrees with that is irrelevant. An objective truth has to be aspired by all people that ever lived and will ever live in our species. Yes, every single one across time and space. This is what makes the truth "absolute".

Time & Space Change Everything
300 years ago slavery was morally justifiable for just about every single human being — sometimes even slaves themselves. It was part of daily life, the status-quo if you like. Humans could be bought and sold at will. Fast forward today and almost everyone disagrees with slavery.Today we can find moral absolutists say that "Murder is Objectively Immoral". This is also false since under specific circumstances (war, mental illness, self defense) murder is very much justifiable. What is true today does not necessarily mean that it will be true tomorrow and most definitely it was not true in the past. This is how subjective our world is. Even child cannibalism cannot be justified. The Inuits of Canada, when found in harsh winters resort to eating their first born in order to survive. Their morality dictates that they can always make more babies but if they die then the entire clan suffers.

Resorting To Eschatology
When the arguments run out, the moral absolutists summon the worst case scenario (something that involves toddlers being raped by Hitler or something equivalent). Interestingly enough, the vast majority of moral absolutists are religious. This makes sense since God provides moral guidance and rather "sets the rules for others to fear". This is nonetheless a false assumption since every religion person that I have met is their own heresy (and sometimes at different times of the same day). Moreover, if one needs the wrath of God in their life in order to be a good then this defies their perspective of absolute morality.

Being Humble
I assert that there are no absolute truths and I admit that this is not a statement of absolute truth. If I hear that "John is a bad guy because he is a thief" I would have to take into consideration every single parameter from John's life in order to evaluate that statement as objectively true. If I am an anarchist and find out that John was born in an abusive environment where his government stole from him (and he just happened to take back what originally belonged to him), then John, according to my subjective evaluation is not a thief. If I am a statist and hear that John is a thief because he stole something from the government, then I would assume he is a thief. A single piece of information and our own beliefs can tumble down. This is exactly why there are no absolute truths.Defeating Fear
From my debates in Steemit, I soon realized that the problem most people have is fear. Humans are afraid to live in a world where people believe in different versions of the truth. This is the same problem religions and governments have — hence why we have systems around us that everyone can follow.If you are a successful religion and/or government then after a few generations the people will believe some things as absolute truths. It all comes down to democracy after all. If a psychotic person believes in the absolute existence of a flying pink elephant and nobody else does, then we assert that he is wrong. If 1 billion believe that if they die heroically they get to be in a gang bang with 72 virgins in Paradise, then it becomes an absolute truth to them and only them.

The Evidence
I challenge anyone to demonstrate a single absolute truth. That is something that can never change and is resistant to both time and space. The null hypothesis is that there are no absolute truths. It is the default position and it is justified both by natural law and rational thinking. For one to dispute this they have to demonstrate the absoluteness of their statement. As far as I am aware this is physically impossible. The universe itself is subject to change. An absolute truth can only exist if everything freezes still aka non-existence. Subjective truths is what gives rise to time and space and what sets the human experience in motion.Take a look at the image below. Every single statement you ever made, every single thought that ever passed from your mind is a conglomerate of other people's limited experiences. Much like a blind person who follows another blind person because he cannot perceive the entirety of the world around him. We cannot possibly capture all time and space. What you think you know or understand is nothing more than a meta-experience — a broken telephone game. The most self-defeating thought a person can entertain is to assume absolute truths. Sooner or later time will prove them wrong. I leave you with Richard Feynman's take on the subject.

This was very well written and thought out. Much appreciated. I enjoyed very it much. Thank you for the time, effort and more importantly the subject. Free thinking is not the norm these days IMO.
Thank you.
Except in logic and math. If you define your axioms upfront and what you describe validly derives from them, within the context of that framework your conclusions can be absolutely true.
Well yeah, but that's like saying that you are correct because you are correct.
There is nothing tautologous about logic or math. I can sort of see where you're coming from, but there's more to it than that. Meaningful truths about nature can be arrived at within those frameworks as is proved every day by physicists.
There always exists the potential that one or more of the axioms is wrong, but that does not invalidate the internal consistency of the reasoning. One way I like to express this is with the thought experiment that our universe is actually an alien's dream.
Does that invalidate all scientific knowledge? I would say that it doesn't. Our observations about how the universe behaves remain true, it's only the context that has changed: They are now observations about how the alien's dream behaves, rather than behaviors of an actual universe.
Providing those behaviors remain consistent from one moment to the next, it is possible to begin describing them and building a model. That model is nothing but a reflection of what it describes. Even if we are mistaken about the true nature of it, the description of how it behaves remains accurate.
Does this make any sense?
Ofcourse. Meaningful truths. Not absolute. Check the link about the video how one can demonstrate the earth being flat (using physics).
That's a different story but first you need to be able to falsify the premise about the alien's existence and whether or not they can dream.
Of course not. Science is the greatest tool we have. 'Perspective' is the key word here, not the validity of a premise.
Indeed. Depends on the methodology upon the model has been build. A hammer will see everything as a nail. When it comes to humans, we are bound by a teleological hell that everything exists and revolves around us. The evidence though that we have is that everything always existed and rather recycles itself. This is of course a harsh truth to digest, hence the false premises about the nature of our position in the cosmos.
That's neither logic nor math. The rest of the post seems to ignore this and go further and further from my original point. Within the framework of either logic or mathematics, operating from their axioms and according to their rules, absolute truths can be arrived at. They are the only fields where such a thing is possible.
Indeed. That's physics. Based on that kind of math you can demonstrate with absolute certainty that the earth is flat. Based on other kind of math, it is not. Hence, for the same object (earth) or observer (human or particle) the truth cannot be absolute.
I dispute your contention that physics is identical to math. I understand what you're getting at with the flat earth example but in this case feel you're forcing puzzle pieces to fit which actually don't.
The only point I hope to make here is that absolute truth is indeed possible in very narrow and contrived situations where all factors are specified by humans, such as logic and math. This is nothing to be threatened by. Even if you are committed to the view that no absolute truths exist anywhere, I advise you not to ignore these counterexamples just because they do not fit that view.
Wow, I am blown away with the way you see perception in life. I agree that nothing is absolute truth, the way I live my life, most people will regard that I am wasting my time and U will suffer miserably in my future.
A lot of people think this way because I don't live according to the rules they are living. So my suffering in future is absolute truth for them. But in between, If I do something on my own to achieve what I always wanted to and become a lot more happy than I ever had been. My journey to my goals and my Path become true. And everyone will think that Whatever I have done In my life was well planned by me. So I was always right and this becomes absolute truth for them.
People's perception changes with time and things, what's wrong for someone today maybe right for them tomorrow, because situation is different now.
The thing I have learned here is that never make our opinions based on what people say. Analyze everything from all the ways we can and then decide what us true and what is wrong. After all our life depends on our perception.
Indeed. Either one keeps an open mind or their beliefs will doom them to ignorance.
Great, I will resteem it, so more people will be enlightened.
It seems like there are two competing ideas here, one is advocating moral relativism and the other advocates subjectivity. Without completely destroying the discussion, I think it is helpful to remind everyone we are using language to describe the universe. Language changes. It is vulnerable to dialect, idioms, and misunderstanding. I went to dictionary.com to try to narrow down what "absolute truth" is.
Truth: noun, plural "truths"
And now "Absolute" which is modifying the "Truth" we are discussing.
Absolute: adjective
4.free from restriction or limitation; not limited in any way: "absolute command; absolute freedom."
As we can see, even in the realm of language, there is a lot of differences in what we are talking about. In one sense, truth could mean "an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude" or it could mean, "honesty; integrity; truthfulness."
Since "absolute" is just modifying "truth" in this context, it would really help to know what you consider "truth" to be. You argue against "truth," saying it doesn't exist, but you never really define what it is. Since "Absolute" is modifying "truth", what specific truth are you talking about and how could it be "Absolute"? If "truth" and "absolute truth" don't exist, how are we able to use those words with any meaning? When I say, "Water (H20) can take the form of a gas, solid, or liquid," am I being untruthful? You say, "An objective truth has to be aspired by all people that ever lived and will ever live in our species. Yes, every single one across time and space. This is what makes the truth "absolute". " But if someone told me that water is only a liquid and never a gas or solid, it would do nothing to undermine the truth of my previous statement. It would just mean that they are wrong. Another helpful place to look might be the works of Derrida on deconstruction. The basic idea is that we can't know what the word "raw" means without understanding what the word "cooked" means. They are inter-related, just like a truth and a lie is. I don't mean to be rude, but the whole article breaks down into incoherence and is unintelligible without proper definitions. I understand that you can't prove a negative, but in that case you shouldn't be using the terms of the negative, or you need to redefine them. I suspect you are trying to argue for relativism on some level and against fundamentalist religious ideas, but I think you need to use different language to do.
A verifiable act or observation at given point in time.
No worries. I always enjoy a good critique. This is part 2 after all and linked other ideas. I did not want to delve with complicated philosophical concepts but rather convey the average perception of things as experienced by most people. It wouldn't matter if I define the words since most people have their own definitions.
It seems like the purpose of the article is to stir up a general conversation of the subject, even if it is incendiary. I'm curious what you would think of the quote from Mahatma Gandhi, "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." It seems like you are putting forth your own, "verifiable act or observation," but if you don't believe truth exists or can be known, why do you care what anyone else thinks? Again, not trying to be rude, and I get that the article is meant to be provocative.
Indeed, the subjective truth.
no problem. i accept critique. harsh even. I try to get different perspectives. I don't enjoy moral absolutism.
Actually, there is not so much controversy to discuss about on this post but simply a plain mistake in insist to mix "Absolute" & "Truth" both words together into the equation for a possible, logical and coherent debate or reach eventual consensus.
Just forget about Truth or Untruth, those two words are the ones which are highly & absolutely subjective and relative to everything on this plane, dimension, frequency or whatever you want to call it... ¿reality?
there are no ABSOLUTES and that´s that! PERIOD!! ;)
This way you will not have to waste more time defending your point of view derived from the confusion by including both words together: Absolute & Truth in the same phrase. They simply are both separate entities.My steemed @kyriacos, just leave it alone like this:
Now, I agree and I'd also say; "There Are No Absolutes In This Life" Lies or Truths. Everything, absolutely everything is relative, subjective, etc, etc in relation to space-time. You simply can not trust even one of your very limited 5 senses to ensure absolutely nothing. Because your interpretation of truth, reality, etc., will never be more than your very own, personal and intimate subjective experience nourished by references previously learned, absorbed and digested, whether logical, coherent or otherwise.
Therefore my point: "There Will Never Have Absolutes In This Life" not even witnessing and watching the events live and in real time. ;)
However, to not even agree with myself and give some respite of life to this Absolute Truths apparent controversy, I will finish my comment saying: "The only absolute truth is that one of these days we are all going to die."

But in the mean time.. ¡Steem On! Cheers!! :)
spot on. I should have phrased it differently. I thought this was implied somehow.
great answer
Hehehe yes dear, using just words to phrase everything well and spit our mind out accurately on all its splendor to the general audience... It's like walking into a brothel wanting and waiting for all the females in there fall in love with you ... just for your pretty face. LoL
very well put.
Great post. It's unbelievable how many people have a hard time comprehending that the world does not revolve around their own personal values and morality just because they happened to be raised in a particular time, location, environmental influences and life conditions.
It's clear: doom ahead.
lovely. you see? single picture can make my point
I am.
There are absolute truths.
However, if I stated them, all you would do is scoff.
And although there is tons of evidence supporting them, and no evidence against them, they are still entirely put into the area of mystical.
And then written off as things that stupid people believe, like witchcraft.
So, know that they exist.
And, as you seek, so shall yee find.
Please do so. Just state one and we can see if it holds throughout time and space and whether it has any supporting evidence for this
I am waiting for the evidence
saying so, doesn't make it so. Please try to make a proper argument.
I am not up to a debate. I am having enough troubles talking about the untruths in science, and those are just facts.
You just poo-poo'd one absolute truth, and didn't even recognize it.
So, a thing, that you probably can grock, but isn't an absolute truth, but is one from a human perspective. (as in being a human)
Killing someone hurts your soul. It may be socially acceptable or inacceptable. Good or bad. But your soul is still hurt.
If you weren't you wouldn't bother commenting. So more or less you did in order to undermine what I wrote, yet, providing no ground for your assertions.
I didn't. Whatever I say is a relative truth. That's the whole point. Even if what I am saying is relative, it doesn't make your premise absolute. It just means that it exists in a relative realm as much as mine.
It wouldn't if that someone was trying to kill your baby or if you were under drugs, or lived during the 5th century under an oppressive ruler that forced you to against him.
again. relative.
It hurts your soul. Just like a bullet hurts your body. To me it is a plain, obvious fact. I watch it happen. You can learn to see it too. It doesn't matter if you killed someone for a good reason or not. Usually a good person, defending their home, shoots a thief. These people often show emotional distress over the event. (Just one manifestation of the hurt to your soul)
As you seek, so shall yee find - is an absolute truth.
It is based on laws of the universe.
You haven't always felt this way. So either you killed someone and you feel this way now or after 100 people you might even feel better.
again. not an absolute truth.
What are you going on about?
If someone has a bullet, that went ripping through their flesh, turning them into a bloody mess, do you say, that person was not hurt by the bullet?
There are no absolute truths, there are only polarities of the same thing. We are brainswashed into thinking we should classify everything into only two categories: light - dark, good - evil, cold - warm but there's only perception, limitless perception and we should not binarize anything. Enjoy the ride.
Dear miss or sir: If "there are no absolute truths", then there exists one absolute truth, namely, the truth that "there are no absolute truths", which is self-contradictory.
Do you know what contradictory means? Here's and example: "Jane is white AND not-white." It basically is building and tearing down at the same time an idea or expressed statement. It goes nowhere. Unless you want to go nowhere, there's no point in defending contradictions.
Now there is one truth that comes out of this self contradictions, namely, "There exists at least one absolute truth". In fact, there might be more than one.
What do you think? Is 2 + 2 = 4 an absolute truth? That is, is always and everywhere and under all conditions true?
Are you a witch or wican or wizard, or satanist of some sort? I know there lot's of such folk around, and some of them may have trouble with absolute truths... just wondering.
Remember that the Eternal God who created Heaven and earth without starting from any preexisting realities is a trinity of 3 persons. I think the true God would agree with you to think in threes rather than binary patterns for things.
I don't understand how that's a validation of 2+2=5. + denotes a very narrow, specific relationship between the two terms. You can't simply substitute it for whatever else you want to put in there, as you're changing the equation. 2t2 =/= 2+2.
My point is that some people do it. Math are based on axioms (self-proof).
...what? The doesn't establish that 2 + 2 = 5. I understand math are based on axioms, but changing the axiom used changes the definition. 2 + 2 =/= 5. 2t2 may well equal 5, but that's not the same equation. One does not prove or disprove the other.
Other than demonstrating that people equivocate, I don't understand what that indicates.
The point of my argument is that people use different rules to "prove" things. That was the original point if you remember. If math were so universally accepted then most people would love them, not hate them. They are almost counter intuitive to the human perception.
Arbitrary language on the other hand...
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @kyriacos!
right on!
Very well written and thoughtful article. I think we each live in our own worlds created by many things such as backgrounds, teachings, beliefs, life experience, etc, I believe we were each created for a purpose and it is our task to find that niche.
Very well said. This is why it is important to stick to your own truths even if you are aware that might be slightly off.
Making a truth claim (an absolute) about the fact there is no absolute truth. Anyone not seeing that it is a self contradicting statement needs his head checked.
I am not making a truth claim. Dude, stop trying to imply things so you can make yourself sound right. It is intellectually dishonest. At least read the article. I said specifically;
//Many people claim that the statement "There Are No Absolute Truths" is self defeating. This is erroneous since the sentence itself implies that the author is aware that even his own statement cannot be absolute. Most people that assume that the statement is self defeating is because they believe that the author, much like them, holds the belief that absolute truth exist.//
When everything else around us smells like shit, we first owe to check our underwear first.
Read the post before your next comment.
Is it absolutely true that there is no absolute truth?
If you say yes, then its a contradiction. If you say no, you are saying "it is not absolutely true that there is no absolute truth"...Madness!
Foolishness passing as philosophy.
No because there are no absolute truths
nop. It is the nature of the human experience. and yes. it involves madness.
philosophy 1.0 is dead.
physics (epistemology aka philosophy 2.0) killed it.
you are really stubborn and going in circles with no real arguments other than "hur dur, if we don't have absolute truths then then life is absurd"
which FYI.. it is.
No words. "Nature of human existence" as an explanation to saying "it is not absolutely true that there is no absolute truth" and feeling consistent about it? Go home you are drunk.
Take a look at this for example. There is a scientific experience that demonstrates that even if you look something it changes the nature of reality. If you can't demonstrate an absolute truth then everything remains subjective, including your own self.
If there is no absolute truths then every other truth is relevant. This statement doesn't have to be intrinsically true but relatively. Stop thinking in black and white. You hurt yourself.
can't get on board with any performative contradiction lol :)
oh come on. We are way passed that. I am trying to make a point exactly about that seeming contradiction. We have to embrace a little bit the absurdity of the human experience. What's a small paradox after all?
for some, that's enough to point out the silliness of it. Interesting opinion post though!
I prefer pulling my pubic hair off rather getting comments that have the world 'interesting' . anws. I understand the topic is controversial
The older I get I have figured out one thing and one thing only. I really know nothing at all! I guess that is the way it works so it keeps you young trying to figure out what the heck is going on! Great post
same here. the more i read the more I understand my ignorance.
I guess the first step is to admit we have a problem! Lol
We have similar thinking
always pleasant to meet similar minds.
Yup not to many people try to think in different ways and understand things
When you live your entire life believing in something it is almost impossible to let it go. You would need to give up your identity. Not to mention your family and friends.
Simply put: you are locked.
Can not even try to question your believes but protect them until death because this is who you are...
Absolute truth exists!
In your mind.
You are it.
but everyone's mind changes at time :)
If I had more followers I would contemplate on my metaphysics more...good X bad was my next planned article back then...Maybe in few months because I dont want to waste such topics for 6 viewers:Phttps://steemit.com/philosophy/@fingersik/truth-an-omnipresent-law-sanity-s-core-pillar
The only way to get more followers and viewers is by putting out good content. Write the article anyway, and the views will follow. I'm looking forward to reading it
I agree with you, write good content today, and what you write tomorrow will already be great.
My sole purpose on this platform is to try to write good content and to try to seek it. At the same time the ultimate feeling I seek is happiness. And believe me I wasn’t happy when I’ve started to share my metaphysics and didn’t receive single response. When I try to share my thoughts for example about what should be improved on Steemit I’m not sad that no1 reads it. It’s just a brainstorm. But there are things that I have worked a lot on during my life and posting it for 5 viewers is in my eyes just not enough :).
Well, then You got one more viewer and one more follower, I will read your posts. Enjoy a little bit more on steemit.
Not gonna lie, that made me happier :P.
Great, enjoy the rest of the day. Steem on.
Same here! I'm interested and following. For you deep thinkers may I suggest a you tube channel...... "chiron last" start with the first in a series of three titled "copy of the golden web."
Sounds interesting...gonna check it out
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You assume that absolute truth exists yet you provide no arguments other than making statements. In my article I address every single aspect that you bring up.
The point of my article is that the truth is the reality. Truth is gravity law. Truth is the way how brain works if we ever knew it. Truth is that we don’t know the most of the universe’s truths. Truth is that I love beer. Shall I continue?
Well, there can't be only one reality since every person and species perceives the world differently. e.g you experience "reality" through the visible spectrum..which is vastly limited.
other species, e.g cat, can see beyond that and thus their truths are different
nuh, get back to logic 101.
"Visible Light" based on our perspective :)
This is false. Of course every specie perceive reality differently. That does not multiply the reality though. Through different perception you get to reveal different truths about universe. The light argument is a huge misstep in argumentation you have made. Because of physics we know how light works (at least we know a lot about it). If cats see more they don’t have different truths than we do. We were able to capture the radio waves that we weren’t able to perceive with our perception. Then when we get to know how perception of different specie work we can understand how they perceive reality. The truth though is still the same – radio waves send information X via spectrum Y.
There are falsifiable experiments showing that if one observes reality then it changes. Please think your next response carefully.
I am very aware of quantum physics. Are you trying to justify your theory by stating another truth along the way? My personal opinion is that you are not as open-minded as you think...but you could say the same to me so I think we should end this conversation because it leads nowhere. Oh and you never countered my absolute truth that I love beer, nor that gravity exists...
I sincerely enjoyed reading this post. Great stuff as always. I agree with your perspective and have often wondered what today's criminal justice system will look like from a future perspective.
Primitive (to say the least)
This is absolutely true.
No, it is not. My statement about absolute truths is a relative one — much like everything else.
That's the joke. :)
I know, but as you can see some people have a hard time wrapping their heads around the absurdism of the human condition.
Nice post ! Thank you for your effort .

thank you for the thumps up. cool image
You are welcome !
Very true, based on my perspective :D If there are no absolute truths, how would we find it?
You don't. You dismiss it. If someone assume an absolute truth, you ask for them to demonstrate it.
Keep them coming man. Resteemed this one too.
Lovely. Thank you man. You are one of my greatest supporters. I mostly get hate mail :D
People are brainwashed and blind. You brave to confront and discus with them and as I can see you enjoy at doing this . Unfortunately I'm not native English speaker and especially writing is very difficult and time consuming for me. Because of that only short comments are in my reach for now. You bring out most of controversial subject I'm thinking about. When you get hate mail, you know you're on the right path. I don't bother to explain my thoughts to anybody. Just have couple of family members, but they start to avoid me lately. To bad.
Have a great day.
It is interesting how I was thrown back and forth on this topic as I read all the comments. The subject is obviously controversial in that one can look at it from different viewpoints. So I ask this question: TODAY, right now... is it not true that we actually know very little about the space we live within?
In my way of thinking, this statement would in fact be true and even if one day we do learn all about our universe, the statement WAS absolutely true at the time it was made and remains valid forever because it was referenced to a specific time.
That would mean that absolute truths CAN exist as long as they are properly framed. (Don't get me wrong; I'm not arguing your point and I see where you are coming from.) It is an interesting topic and I enjoyed reading all the debate. Is anything absolute? How do we even define the word 'absolute'? I loved the movie, The Matrix for its imagination... What is real? Are we but living a dream? Are we really just bits of spirit/energy, floating around in a parallel dimension and dreaming our entire lives so that the entity we call our-self can experience pain, suffering, fear and death?
For the sake of discussion let's leave mathematics out. e.g you can say with absolute certainty that there are no square circles although the statement itself is self defeating.
Can you name one thing that is absolute truth throughout space and time? If not then pointing specific time and space makes it relative, not absolute.
When you say 'thing', I assume you mean a physical thing? Something that can be measured? A measurement between relative objects would not qualify? (such as to say that the distance between suns is far greater than the distance between molecules of a solid object). Nope... I can't think of anything at this time.
What if time and space are not part of the equation?
Time is movement through space. A measurement tool. The absolute truth would be that we can only have the now in which to live and the now is a zero point. No movement which means unmeasurable by time. And because time cannot measure without movement, space too is irrelevant.
So, if an absolute truth has to be one that is not affected by time or space then that would be the eternal and unmeasurable, now for neither of those exist in the now.
It would also imply that another truth is that whatever we do in the now is all that we can do in that space. The do is an action, but only measurable in hindsight and predictable in the future so absolutely frozen in space and time in the now.
It is close to 2 am so I am not sure how well I explained that but: The Now is a thing and can never be anything else. It is singular as anything that is not it, can ever substitute for it. There is no alternative.
How is my 2 am brain doing?
By the way. The entry image is one of my favourite cartoons .
indeed. proving my point even more
no such thing. you cannot freeze time still.
no evidence for anything eternal or unmeasurable.
Are you saying:
You can never freeze time?
Never prove eternity?
If something is unmeasurable it can not be measured therefore no evidence can ever exist. Can never be proven?
There is no possible measure for the now other than consciousness itself.
These nevers seem to stack up fast.
I never say never. It would be highly improbable (if you like to put it in mathematical terms).
As far as I am concerned there is no such thing as 'consciousness'. No single definition exist and the evidence is close to non-existent.
The 'now' would be both eternal and unmeasurable. Unless the now doesn't exist either and there is only past and future in your experience which would make this conversation awkward to say the least.
'Change' would also be an argument for an absolute truth.
well, by the time you measure the now it becomes the past.
Not really since there is an argument for the universe eventually coming to an end. It is true for the most part though.
If the end if the universe ends all it would make change absolutely true because at the time it stops, so does time and space. If time and space continue past that point, so does change. Absolutely true from start to finish. An argument for or against eternity can never be proven by a human for eternity is beyond the capabilities of limited understanding for it is the unlimited itself. Truths endure the limitations of small musings regardless of whether you or I consider it a null point, objectively true or perspectively true or completely false.
A truth does not care what either of us think.
if you use math instead of language truth becomes possible.
of course. This is because you predefine your axioms.
they are correct because you demonstrate they are.
Right. this is the only way to do "it".
I don't know the truth anymore
that's the way it should (mostly) be
Wow, I'm an starting to understand the confusion that reigns in the world. I've cancelled an earlier response as useless. My apologies if I offended.
no problem. we are all here to learn from each other.
It does not matter if there is no absolute truth or not. What matters is that relativism leads to bad implications. Therefor absolute morality is an important aspect of society, even if it changes gradually. Absolutism may be a social construct but it is absolutely vital for civilization to prosper and even exist.
Absolutism also leads to bad implications.
Ask any political or religious leader.
Come on man. You can do better than this.
That depends on what vision is accepted as absolute. Of course society is always measured on a scale of relativism and absolutism and never completely one or the other. A good balance would be 80% absolutism and 20% relativism. I would say this represents 1950s America. Today we have the opposite and we see where it leads to.
Again. We can never be 80% or 20% that. These things are extremely complex.
From what you are saying you just seem to miss the old good times. It is something to be expected. How old are you? :)
Because our experience is subjective does not mean that there are no absolute truths. You have been presented with absolute truths in comments on your previous post on this topic.
You exist.
How is that not absolutely true?
I might be part of someone else's dream. also. google 'solipsism'.
What you are is another question. It doesnt change the simple fact that you are.
perhaps. once i wasn't and at another time i won't be. my title should be "there are no absolutes" .
Well, that depends on what you truly are.
I watch a ball roll across the floor, hit the wall and bounce back. I conclude that the momentum of ball moving across the floor is energy, stored in the flex of the balls exterior as it hits the wall, that the ball's exterior rebounds against its deformation, using the stored energy to bounce the ball back away from the wall. Someone else disagrees and says the ball and the wall is alive, and ball doesn't want to trespass on the walls space, so it contorts its being and wills itself away from the wall. Another says that there is no ball, it is a shared delusion communicated to our brains by the government in a test to determine which genetic line will mostly likely be compliant in order to choose those who will be saved in the coming apocalypse. One could be true, none could be true, maybe all three partially true. Who knows. But what is true is that three individuals at least experienced something. Observed something. In that moment or series of moments, what every a moment happens to represent, an experience was had. Something happened. Even if it is one's, or the collective's construct of their own making at an unconscious level, something was experienced, observed. There is a truth to what was experienced. A lack of understanding, knowledge, perception, want or language does not negate that something was experienced.
Definitely not, hence the subjectiveness. This is why the post should be better titled "There are no absolutes".
I am
are you sure about that totally, absolutely?