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RE: There Is No Such Thing As Free Will

in #philosophy8 years ago

I gave the example with the hair to draw a parallel. I believe I can do the same for every single action a human partakes with the environment. Much like breathing which is rather straight forward, I believe our mental faculties work much the same way — they are just not that obvious.

I think we have exhausted the topic. I also believe it has to do more with biology rather than philosophy. Anws. Let's agree to disagree.


I understand if you do not wish to pursue our discussion any further. I believe we might say that we agree on many aspects of human behavior while fundamentally disagreeing in their interpretation and logical consequences. Nonetheless, this back and forth has been a genuine pleasure for me, and I hope it has been for you as well. Although I ultimately do not agree with your argument, it is a valid argument nonetheless, and you have shown that you have put some thought into it. I appreciate that, and I respect that.

I hope we might discuss some other topics in the future. I'm going to follow you, and I invite you to do the same. Best regards!!

I enjoyed our discussion as well. We need more people like you on the platform. I am following you.