This economic reality means that most resistance movements do not gather supporters until the supporters have nothing left to lose.
Not really. Everything that happened around us so far it was because something more efficient was built, not because we came to a point were we had nothing to lose. Social structures allow pyramids so that revolutions never change anything other than replace a paradigm with something similar.
Compare for example the French Revolution and how today the Union leaders rule France. In America Blacks and Women got their rights only after the male population dropped significantly after the first and second world war. A new system with more obligations (and rights) allowed them to be equal. It was out of necessity, not revolution. This is why we still observe today, almost 100 year later similar discrimination across all layers of society. Revolutions only create narratives for college professors.
I believe that Bockchain technologies are the future simply because of efficiency. Nothing else. They are far better than what we currently have. The only curve we have to go over is educational. The current generation is not yet exposed to the workings of this technology. This coming one will understand it much like children today play with ipads.
I too share much of what you are saying and live my life by it. It's not about the destination but about the path. I found myself to be able to cheat my way through in previous leadership positions, and never did it because it felt that I was cheating myself at the end.
In Homer's Iliad Odysseus traveled through much hardship to get home, only to be dissapointed with what he found. The end of the rainbow was not what he was expecting. What mattered most was the trip. The long trip to Ithaca. If you haven't read it, do so, it fits much with what you are experiencing right now.
blockchain is not far better than what we currently have; it is another way; it is better at some things and not so good at others.