
We've never seen it but our forefathers did... for about 10 mins





Yup. People are looking at the wrong axis. Left and right are the minor one and authoritarian vs free/individual is the most important but, as we know this isn't even presented as a viable option.

No, we can't 😅. Some things works only in theory, eg. Anarchysm, Communism. Steemit itself shows us how Blockchain cannot change the human nature. However, this is such a massive subject to talk about, my English is not that good to explain it in the right way. On the other hand, individual perception comes in place and that makes things even more difficult 😁.

Anyway, the Golden Teacher told me that life is a game. All I have to do is play around 😉!

Anarchism is how people operate in 99% of their interactions, everywhere except where the state pushes up against them. It absolutely works, and is exactly what got humans to the point where the state could even come into existence.

Human nature is not a valid argument, since we don't actually know what it is. Until you can show me a human who was not born into a statist, competitive, trauma-based society, we have no idea what our nature is, only what the environment is creating.

And BDW ;) If you’re ordering other people to not trade openly and freely however they choose to do that as long as nobody is hurt or defrauded...... you’re not any kind of anarchist. Just an asshole statist who has no basics of economics

Interesting points @kennyskitchen I've never thought of it like that before. It begs the question then, can any system every be implemented that will "work" until human nature evolves considerably?

Well, first I would say that any system which does not include a monopoly on violence & control (so any anarchic/voluntary system) will work far better.

As to the "human nature" argument, I don't believe there is such a thing (besides adaptation), as I laid out here. What we observe here & now is not human nature; it is generations of trauma, cultural norms, and systematic controls put on the human race.

Yes. "Human nature" was not the right term to express what I was feeling. I suppose I meant more that enough individuals need to have dealt with their "trauma", if that's what you want to call it, for their innate health to be able to shine through and inspire those who have yet to find theirs. 😊

They are controlling us. Not only our work or other important parts of the life, but in every sphere in our community country, even our minds too. Don't know, when we will be able get rid of these. Crypto somehow, showing some opportunity.

Communism, as Marxist-Leninist-troskyist-Maoists etc..Never existed, but Marx based his theory on an industrial reinterpretation of what he called, "primitive communism," or the egalitarianism (also largely anti-authoritarian) of hunter-gather-horticulturalists. Some anthropologists refer to these cultural norms as "fierce communalism." The thing is, in these societies, there is great deal of personal autonomy, but also an deep awareness of the essential mutuality and reciprocity of humans and nature to thrive. Marx thought that communism could not just come into being, but that first we would have to go through socialism. Socialism is governed by the simple axiom, from each according to their ability to each according to their work. People have been made simultaneously greedy and lazy by explotatitive class relations, and the self organization of the workers in political control could correct this through jurisprudence. Then, once everyones material need are met, garauntee d through state coercion, then new cultural norms would emerge, and the state would "wither away." By Marx's own definition of communism, it is also anarchism, only one must wait to be "purified" by the state in the hands of organized class concious workers. Russia, China, Cuba, etc were only ever, in theory and practice socialists. The anarchists wanted to go straight for full liberation, personal autonomy within social solidarity and mutual aid. Marx didnt really want to do anything at all because the forces of economics would simple make it happen on an article of faith, but Engles talked him into supporting working peoples organizations and formed the first international, which eventually purged the Anarchists even though they were the primary organizers and activists...So, in essence, communism is more real than other theories, just without Marx's magical thinking. Capitalism is simply a system where those who control capital (ie the means of production, and wealth in its other culturally specific forms: currency etc), and we most certainly see this. Free markets on the other hand? Well, the modern nation state and capitalism emerged deeply entwined. Trully free markets would have to be something entirely different from capitalism. David Graeber in his book Debt: the first 5000 years, that the early Arabic traders were an example of a non-state market economy but it only functioned because of the extremely deeply engrained concept of maintaining an honorable name, and that everyone knew of everyone else, so anynomity was greatly reduced, and a softer form of coercion, through economic shunning and shaming were practiced.

We did however see the slaughter of 300 million in last 100 years and millions raped daily in cages for victimless crimes. Still, explaining economics and freedom to this sect, somehow makes me dumb and aggressive... they were socialised into some collective nonsense of an ant... taught everything upside down. It's almost a joke, but it's on them and isn't funny. Time to wash their hands! Thanks for this post! Stay awesome! :)