why Knowledge is highly undervalued.?

in #philosophy7 years ago


There's no excuse to not learn about different investments when most of the information out there is cheap. . I've seen people turn their lives around in 1-2 years, going from homeless to travelling the world. Instead of doing the research yourself, you're relying on a box plugged into a wall to give you your information, never fact checking.

People didn't become crypto millionaires because they were lucky. They saw an opportunity, A RISKY ONE, and took advantage of it. The reward for this was an ungodly return on their investment. They're not obligated to give their wealth to anyone. It's theirs.

All technology has been distruptive since..well technology. Mass production made horses obsolete. The internet destroyed the printing press. Uber destroyed taxis. Cellphones destroyed home landlines. Airbnb is threatening hotels to the point where they're lobbying (bribing) for regulation.

Keep living in your fantasy land, but I promise you few jobs are truly safe. This isn't 1973 where you could slave your way to a pension


@jordanlove i think learning is whole life main part.