According to the Vedas there is a connection between rain and the demigods who are higher living beings responsible for the maintenance of the universe.
Just like we have to pay our water bill, our light bill, our gas bill, etc. the basic necessities of the universe, water, light, fire, etc are managed by higher living entities and we, the beneficiaries, are to offer sacrifice in return.
"All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rain. Rains are produced by performance of yajña [sacrifice], and yajña is born of prescribed duties." Bhagavad Gita As It Is 3.14
Here Krishna, the speaker of the Bhagavad Gita, describes how it works. Everyone needs food grains. Even those who subsist on meat. The animals that are eaten need the food grains. So everyone either directly or indirectly is dependent on food grains.
For grains to grow there must be sufficient rainfall. Rains are supplied by the demigod, Indra, when he is offered sacrifice.

And sacrifice comes out of prescribed duties...working according to one's natural qualities. How harmonious! Do your duty and everything is supplied. Duties vary according to the different types of people and what they are naturally suited for.

The particular sacrifice also varies according to time place and circumstance. For the times we are living in the sacrifice that is recommended in the Vedas is chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. The demigods, being parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord are satisfied when the Lord is satisfied. No need to try to please them independently. Pretty easy. And yet for people to actually find time or motivation to chant is not so easy.

There is a warning. If for no other reason than to avoid scarcity of food grains the chanting of the Holy Names of God must be done.
This is the Vedic conclusion. Chant and dance for rain. Sounds like fun. Why not?
Chanting the names of God brings another type of rain too. A rain of mercy.

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