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RE: Blind Following The Blind

in #philosophy8 years ago

Among other fine things, sciences at which I am very adept, thank you. You premise is incorrect, that a religion produces predictable results. I could personally demonstrate this for you to prove how very wrong you are. For the longest time I have studied how to do miracles, walking on water (without assistance), healing solely by faith, and so many other areas such as rain making. That it is impossible for me as a human being to do any such thing is known and so if it happens, then there must be something else that does the act when requested. I am past well over 4,500 events, experiments and published many. People scoff but I started with this premise, "If you want to learn something new forget everything you know."

As for that, because I am so adept and because I simply will not accept persecution for this branch of science and the study of it and since I have witnessed on numerous occasions others with faith and the desire to ask for the fulfillment on a miracle and seen it happen, as a scientist this shall be my only attempt to talk to you. I have a degree in your philosophy and know it to be inadequate, which you even state that it is.

Should you actually investigate properly forgetting that everything you know is wrong according to your own premise because of the preceding layers of the onion you so accurately describe your results may be different and something may occur. When that does occur, it will be as profound as it was for me and every other person that experienced a miraculous event.

Truly my friend, we are mortal and know this but if we have a spirit that does spiritual things, then are we mortal?

Next, everyone with a serious intent to investigate and I shall use Christianity as the example as I know the most about it knows that the persecution of Christians wiped out most of any facts or formulas. Jesus is not his name, for example. Well, if that not his name can we expect the best results when it is used? This is indeed a problem. As for what his name actually is or if by now if he really cares if it is used correctly? That I leave for your investigation.

Just like humanity thought there might be something in the heavens and there is, there is something else, the spiritual and as to what that is precisely we will all find out.

A substantial body of evidence exists though I will not tell you where it is at or how to access it like the time I asked a professor, what is the formula for a parabolic dish y=4AC (might y^2 been a long time since I made one). He responded as soon as you figure it out you will know. And eventually I did, made a dish and moved onto many other things.

I does seem to me my friend @kyriacos that your results were poor and it made you dismal. The first time I tried to faith heal, I knew this man who was blind in one eye. I tried to heal him using techniques in a book I read and he did not tell me until I was through that he had a glass eye in his head.

Since then, and oh was that embarrassing in front of all those people, I have progressed many a time so far past that. My new was stuck in the eye with a stick when he was three. At age twenty-four I believe it was, he could see out of it again though the scar was still there. Fascinating. A woman had a tumor in her left breast and it disappeared after growing to the size of a tennis ball. Yes, should you ever mildly succeed at any attempt it is beyond description in experience. Though I have never had much luck with teeth, I am working on it.

Well, good luck in your search and the only reason to post this is because it is out there if you can find it. You wanted to find it or you would not have asked the question in the first place.

It is a bit like a question I had once - were the physicists smart enough to build a doomsday device that would not work under certain conditions in the event they were gone and some one evil could press the button?


Your claims are unsubstantiated. They cannot be tested and to say the least, they are hearsay. If you claim to do miracles then in a way, you are immortal. You could try to slit your throat and then try to heal yourself but I am not sure it will roll out well for you.

Next, everyone with a serious intent to investigate and I shall use Christianity as the example as I know the most about it knows that the persecution of Christians wiped out most of any facts or formulas.

You cannot know, unknown unknowns. How do you know the formulas that have been wiped out, if they had indeed been wiped out? You are caught up here in your own logical fallacy.

Jesus is not his name, for example. Well, if that not his name can we expect the best results when it is used? This is indeed a problem. As for what his name actually is or if by now if he really cares if it is used correctly? That I leave for your investigation.

Sure. Jesus was not his name. It was "Christus" which means "the anointed one". It was a title more used from people that were teachers. Nonetheless, there is no evidence for Christus to have ever existed. Rather, what exists, is a conglomerate of different stories, from different people, all making up one identify - Jesus. This is how myths are constructed and we have plenty of evidence for that.

Thank you for your detailed comment.
