You're so on point with this post. Read and understand these words deeply and you begin to understand the causal factors of the human condition - Ourselves.
The thing about conditions is they can be changed. To change a condition that is caused by our state of being, we must change our state of being - this is the only way lasting results can be achieved.
The list of polarities we need to understand within our reality is really key here folks;
Reality vs. Unreality
Truth vs. Falsity
Substance vs. Appearance
Authentic vs. InAuthentic
True Self vs. False Self
Right vs. Wrong
Evolution vs. Devolution
...And if I may add: Objectivity vs. Subjectivity. We need to understand what we are subject to: The Laws of Nature, and what is subject to us: the conditions of our reality based within those laws. One of these laws is the law of polarity.
Thanks for the post @krnel! Please resteem everyone!