101 Understanding Philosophy According to the Experts

in #philosophy8 years ago

understanding Philosophy 

Philosophy is the study of all the phenomena of life, and human thinking critically, and translated into a fundamental concept. Philosophy is not understood better by doing experiments, and experiments, but to express the exact problem, find a solution to it, arguing, and the exact reasons for specific solutions. 

End of the processes put in a dialectic process. For philosophical studies, is absolutely necessary logical thinking, and logic languages. 

 Understanding Philosophy According to the Experts 

  •  Roger Garaudy 
 Filsafat yang beda itu wajar, namun filsafat tidak memberikan sarana,  namun mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai tujuan dan makna-makna. 
  • Beekman
 The philosophy is seeing everything with attention and interest, thinking about something and realize it. 

  •  John Brubacher 
 Philosophy has meaning love of wisdom (learning). The rest could diartika with a love of learning, in general, the process of the development of science (Science) only exist on what we saw familiar with philosophy. 
  • Frans Dahler dan Eka Budianto
 Philosophy has been around since 1200 BC in China, Greece and India. Although sometimes there are many opinions and thoughts challenged filasafat born in ancient Yunini. 
  •  Anton Bakker and Achmad Charris 
 Ie the philosophy of human nature, the nature of God, the nature of the universe according to the angle of structural and normative. 

Steem on. Just wanted to say i think Roger Garaudy part is in a different language.

Is it true ?