How to be calm in any situation

in #philosophy6 years ago

Why is one person in any situation able to remain calm and confident, while the other in the same circumstances is subject to the full range of manifestations of anxiety and anxiety? This can be seen all the time - it happens that brothers and sisters growing up in the same conditions, show completely different reactions.

In many ways, our response to circumstances is determined not only by experience, but also by innate data. However, regardless of the original genetic data, experience and other factors, each of us is necessary to be able to remain calm in any conditions. How to do it, if nature instead of impenetrable character, on the contrary, gave increased sensitivity to the events of the world?

First, you must be able to live your emotions and accept them.

It is not necessary, especially in a critical situation, try to abstract from fear or anxiety. By suppressing our reactions, we can only strengthen them. Of course, to have the proper degree of effective self-control, not do without prior training. A good tool in this case may be a regular practice of meditation. But it may be that you do not feel sufficiently prepared to, like detached yogis, quietly observe everything from the outside.

In this case, it is better not to suppress your feelings, but to accept them. Try to use the method of emotional therapy. In short, this method is as follows. It is necessary to imagine your experience, giving it any physical appearance. It can be any image – a gray spot, a red button. Some personified fear takes even the image of a melted rubber tire. Then you have to ask the question of this image: what does it need? Maybe he wants you to send him a portion of heat or positive energy.

Imagine how in the direction of your fear are gentle rays of acceptance and good. This will help not to fight with emotion, but to accept it as part of yourself.

  • At the next stage, when the feelings of anxiety and anxiety have already lost their acuteness a little, you can try the method of distraction. Since staying calm in any situation may be required at any moment, you need to determine in advance what method of distraction will suit you the most. First, it's always good to use your imagination. To do this, you need to imagine yourself in a good, pleasant place, located far from the current unrest and worries. It can be memories of a vacation or a visit to relatives. The most important thing – the pictures in your mind should be detailed and bright, with the maximum amount of detail – smells, sounds, interior details or landscapes.

  • Good music can also serve as another way of distraction. Some of those who suffer from increased anxiety often keep a list of their favorite inspirational melodies ready. They help to gather in time and give strength of mind – as well as to disconnect from the stressful situation.

  • Another good way is to score. You can count the buses that come to the stop under the window, or cars of a certain color; or, for example, add or multiply two-digit numbers in your mind. Thus, you will switch the focus of excitation of the cerebral cortex to the area that is responsible for the logical perception, thereby reducing anxiety.

Separate yourself from the situation for a while.

When you are under pressure, you must immediately pause and step aside. It is in the most intense moments we are most in need of space and time in order to consider further action. Having separated from the situation physically and emotionally, try to clarify for yourself the reasons why these circumstances have a stressful effect on you. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why did I suddenly feel uneasy?
  • Did these feelings serve as a trigger for me earlier?
  • Is my view of the situation adequate now? Do I interpret events correctly?

Sometimes the things that cause our emotions are nothing more than phantoms. You can feel the pressure, but it will not come from the outside world, but from the inside. It is an illusion.

Always be careful.

During a stressful situation it is very important to keep attention to details. They often hide answers to many questions, as well as opportunities to solve problems. Attention to detail also helps to control yourself. Look at your behavior, the behavior of other people, the events of the outside world around you. In a state of concern, all events are mixed into one big lump, consisting of issues and outstanding tasks. Paying attention to the little things, you can again gradually divide reality into small components, which will also help to fight excitement.

Use encouraging statements.

It is critical to try to maintain a positive Outlook in a stressful environment, as it is impossible to be calm in any situation, if the mind is filled with negative thoughts and attitudes. To do this, it is necessary to properly build your internal dialogue. The manner in which you address yourself to tense circumstances can both reassure you and contribute to the further escalation of fear and panic.

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NICE POST because we are all going to bad time.