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RE: .

in #philosophy7 years ago

I acknowledge that I have been tremendously blessed compared to the situation of many others and I try to practice giving as a way of life. I could always give more, it takes discipline and it takes avoiding complacency.

I don't feel the guilt for the "privilage" that culture is trying to tell me I'm supposed to feel as a young white male, I feel indebted to my King, creator of Heaven and Earth.

I've been redeemed absolutely free-of-charge, it's not like I actually owe the King anything for what He did for me. But I do. If you know what I mean. How can anyone be given such an amazing gift and not do whatever you can to please the gift-giver. The best thing that can be done (and is what is asked of us) is to imitate the kindness and generosity of the King of the Universe. Forgive debts, give cheerfully, embrace the WORD and seek the ancient paths. Walk the narrow path, repent quickly and often while rejoicing that we may KNOW the creator of the Universe and the Son of God and Salvation is written on the doorpost of our house and is bound upon our hands and is a frontlet for our eyes.

This is what it means to 'Be Blessed": We Bless the Most High God YHVH.



Always the best way! If all walked in this manner we would be better off!

The reign of God is inside those who fear Him. @ironshield