Aporia Society

in #philosophy3 years ago (edited)

Have you ever noticed that people are sometimes rather quiet?

As if they have something else on their mind, or perhaps even like they simply do not know what to say?

Perhaps it is because language itself is shifting from a traditional human language, to a non-human dialect. We type on machines now. We don't speak with words from our mouths. We speak with our fingers directly into a machine, and sometimes, the machine will even guide us, with spell-check or word predictions.

When you type on your phone's keyboard, and all those predictions pop up, do they ever usurp what you were planning on writing?

Or do you ever feel like you talk in popular phrases, memes. platitudes, and idioms, rather than original, true, honest, and personal thoughts? The ideas and emotions expressed by existing words no longer fit the emotions and ideas that real life human brains have.

Without this guidance, would you be able to even write anything without it coming out a typo'd mess? If you expect the word prediction machine to give you three or four words to use next, but they are not given, will you simply not know what to say?

How will you be able to talk about complex ideas? Can you easily break down your emotions and thoughts into simple, easily understood words that describe complex ideas?

What is Aporia?

It is a sense of puzzlement, or being unable to let an idea pass, either internally in your own mind, or from chaotic thoughts into ordered speech.

In this context, it's a sense of being permanently tongue-tied. Are they perhaps stuck in an infinite loop?

Essentially, the language shift that's been occurring no longer reflects the human mind. When we try to convert our neuronal signals, like emotions or ideas or thoughts, into words, people are finding it difficult to find the right words to say.

But is this simply due to us communicating so much on our phones? Or is language shift due to politics and societal influences a factor too?

Ideologies are often inherently incompatible with reality. If you are too deep in an ideological bubble, the sheer perspective clash between what you think is true, and what is actually true, will begin to weigh you down more and more.

Many things we wish to say have contradicting meanings, and our thoughts themselves are disorganized, simply for the fact that we have such subjective perspectives in an objective reality- But made worse due to a sense of perpetual cognitive dissonance while in a state of ideological enthrallment.

This is certainly more of a subliminal thing, but it's what I've been noticing more and more. People seem very quiet, like they don't really have much to say. Yet clearly, most people DO have ideas or ideologies.

They just seem unable to explain them organically.

The other day, I was talking to a person who was indeed deep in a well known ideology. They would speak to me using very big, complex, and fancy words. They thought they could impress or dazzle me.

But to be quite honest, I'm a writer, so I knew the meaning of each word, and when I converted their overly bombastic speech to an actual meaning, I was left with malformed nonsense. There was no structure tying their thoughts together, and it clashed starkly with really obvious, common-sense logic.

Yet, they were at least able to attempt to communicate.

Have you ever meet a person on the internet who just doesn't say much?

"how are u"
"Good. You?"

I can already tell that if I was to begin laying out some deep philosophical ideas on that person, they'd be completely unable to respond, even if the ideas were themselves based on simple, already well-known ideas. I wouldn't need to go very esoteric before I lose them.

Even just asking them for the meaning and purpose of their life might be too much for them. But if I wanted to go further into Greek words, I could just call them "hylics" and be done with it.

But surely that's too easy. No, aporetic might be more fitting. To refer to them as simply puzzled, or unable to speak due to the fact that they do not actually have a fully formed comprehension of reality in their head. Their entire lives, they were subjected to religious dogma, political ideologies, and societal standards, and never once given the chance to question EVERYTHING.

And then actually receive the pure and simple truth as the answer.

But what if I was wrong? What if they did have grand, glorious ideas in their head, but they were just never spoken?

Of course it goes without saying that fundamental truths like these can't be merely said. They have to be experienced and understood. Comprehension is the key here, and it could be despairingly true that some people do not have it.

Without this comprehension, or at least a firm foundation that's close to comprehension, they will find it increasingly hard to form logical sentences or interesting ideas. Their words will sound flat, and their ego will not impress.

But the world has fallen into a dark age. They cannot be blamed for this.

For most people in the aporetic state, there is no cure.
An attempt at a cure would only become corrupted, and bedazzle them further.

How many times can a person's sense of ideology be twisted, modified, and altered, before they don't know what's up or down anymore?

When their foundation shatters, they are left in the state of Aporia.

Thus we suffer in this aporetic society.

Millions of voices screaming words, yet when you listen carefully to just one voice in the ensemble of insanity ...chaos. Just raw, utter chaos without sense or meaning.

It really was just mad screaming.
Or is this just the dead silence ringing in my ears?

Aporia Society is here, and thus even words fail me.
