The beginning and the end are conceived at once. The past and the future coexist in the here and now: The future being just as real as the past. We like to think that the present moment as having been born out of (or caused by) the past— that our current state of affairs are entirely a result of our transition from Point A to Point B. But what about Point C? If the past and the future (or, in other words, all potentials) are eternally present, then the future can influence both the past and the present. The term for this is retrocausality.
In truth, all causes originate in the heart, the True Self. All-potential gets narrowed down as it descends "from above" into the personal field ("the below") through the heart, triggering the unfoldment of manifestation. The record of the past, the present, and the future are concealed but known therein. The heart is often compared to a clock, is it not? That's due to the beat, or the tick, of the cardiac rhythms. Tempo, time, pattern, and flow are all synonyms for rhythm.
For the most part, cardiac rhythms follow a regulated pattern or average. The cycles of our lives, too, follow rhythmic patterns. We can catch a glimpse of the future by reflecting on the patterns of the past and present due to this rhythmic recurrence. Trains of thought recur just as often as our bodily functions do, so it shouldn't be that great of a stretch to imagine that past and current events will also recur. There's no denying that a sleeping period will be followed by a waking period. If you're awake now, you already know that in the near future you'll find yourself resting.
The Higher Self, as the Ghostwriter, rewrites and makes adjustments when/if necessary. That's usually as a result of one's intention to align (surrender) their desires with the Will of the Divine. We have the choice of following True Will or mistakenly pursuing selfish desires. Yet, we've also already made the choices: Predeterminism. So we have to live through those choices and try to understand why we made them.
An example: As an obese youth, a part of me always knew that I would grow up and lose the weight. But I had to gain more weight, get sick with cancer, and live with an open wound in order to have the motivation to get healthy. I got the cancer because it was what was going to push me to change my habits, my patterns.
It was important that I lose weight because I was going to be (and am now) an initiate and take on the Great Work. My Higher Self had chosen this particular incarnation to awaken in. Had I not gone through those ordeals, I wouldn't have felt compelled to journey so deeply inward. It was also important that I experienced being physically unattractive so that I understood the source of true Beauty. This also lead to my understanding that outer appearances can be deceptive.
When my bowel perforated in 2015, it was a recurrence of what had transpired in 2012 with my ovarian cancer. I knew, then, that what followed my recovery would be a great transformation. I knew this because that's what had happened after I had recovered from the tumor excision. And I was right. The events of 2015 mirrored the events of 2012. The near death experience being exactly what I needed to push me in the direction I needed to go: Inward. Why? Because a future state of consciousness demanded and was reliant upon this reroute.
Intelligence can be measured by one's aptitude for pattern recognition. Higher intelligence can be linked to the association and recognition of greater and greater patterns. Similarly, as a life forms evolve, they become more complex. This specialization is a form of limitation and particularization. And while it may seem counter-intuitive, this growth in complexity actually liberates the indwelling consciousness FROM limitation. This is where "the future" is headed: Towards liberation.
Are you not wiser and more evolved today than you were yesterday, having learned from your experiences? If you've answered yes, then you already know what the future holds: An even wiser and more evolved version of yourself.
This concludes today's article of 30 Days, 30 Posts challenge. Tomorrow's article will feature the topic of the Past. As a side-note: I didn't plan this! Out of all the possibilities I could have pulled from my Magician's hat, I drew this one. We could say, then, that if today is the Future and tomorrow is the Past—then we are living in the Days of Future Past. Yesterday's article was on Faith.