I am Grateful for Steem

in #philosophy7 years ago


I am Grateful for Steem

Sunday morning, I was on a train coming back home from a party, and you know how after some booze and quality time with your friends if you remain alone the melancholy starts to kick in. I was just sitting alone, thinking and listening to some music while the realization hit me.

Out of everybody on that train, I probably have the most liquid money (in steem) and I most certainly made more money in the last month that they have made in the previous year. I’m not saying this to brag, and it is not exaggerated, people in Romania are making about five grand per year, and I have made more in this month due to the SBD pump and the latest support I have gained.

After realizing all these, I became grateful, grateful for everything and everybody. I will not be able to emphasize this feeling through written words, to understand what I mean you have to feel it.

This realization is so mind-fuck for me that I had to share it with my friends and I called @buzlealex and told him what I am going to write here and to note this is not coming from the mind but the heart.

I was able to make a couple of thousands, which is a shitload of money in Romania, online, on Steem while having fun and doing something that I love, within the last six months and starting from nothing. I knew nothing, in the beginning, I had no idea how to write, making a 200-word post seemed impossible, my English was so bad, and I was barely able to edit a picture, and now, I can make what I consider as being a shitload of money. It’s better than anything I have ever imagined.

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Be Grateful

No matter if you just joined and you’re not making much, or if you’re here for a long time and you’re making huge money, you should be grateful for being on steem. Just think about it, we are around 10k active users on Steem with about 500k opened accounts, you know how few and lucky we are? Let’s say that in total 500k human beings opened accounts, even if it’s not true but for the sake of the math let’s just pretend, and we are 7.6 billion, with B, human beings on this planet.

Out of all these people, there is a lot that doesn’t even have the luxury to access the internet or to own even a shitty PC, but we all do. Out of all the people in the world, only 0.006% are on Steem. That is such a small number, just 0.006% out of all human beings; we are lucky, lucky for being here even if some of you are not making anything because this platform has the potential to take over the world.

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No Excuses

You have no excuse for not succeeding since all the tools are available to you. There are so many people not knowing about crypto and steem, not having internet or people that don’t even have what to eat and you probably have most of them, you are so ahead of them that you have no excuse.

It’s just sad, I am seeing people that have all the proper tools, they know about Steem, they know English, they have ideas, a PC and internet, everything that you need to succeed on Steem but they keep on postponing it when others would take their place and take full advantage of Steem in no time.

I know, it might be weird to hear me talk about this since you’re not used to it, you’re expecting me to shout at you, anarchy in the UK and everything but not today my friend, today I am grateful, maybe tomorrow.

Be grateful because you’re here, that’s all I’m going to say.

Also, special thanks to all the people and friends that have supported my blog either through upvotes , comments or resteems, this would not be possible without you.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.




Hi Fawkes,

"I am going to write here and to note this is not coming from the mind but the heart." - This is what Steemit should be all about if you ask me!

I'm here for 7 days and I can say that the platform has already changed my life. I came for the money, but now I'm letting the money come on it's own and while I'm exchanging opinions about life philosophy, social norms, psychology, and similar topics with some amazing thoughtful people, which is what I wanted to do for a long time. To be honest, I didn't expect to get this amount of deep and meaningful comments.

Yes, it is great to remind ourselves everyday about the things and people in our lives that we are grateful about, it helps us be positive and motivated, or at least it works for me.

Nice post, I've followed you, cheers!

Feel that, I came for the possibility of monetization and more out of curiosity, to be honest, but then I discovered a whole new world. I still believe that money plays an essential part since it gives us the possibility to change the quality of our lives by doing something that we enjoy.

Sadly, even if it's an excellent stimulant, too many people focus only on the money forgetting about the other aspects of Steem like communities, engaging with each other and simply the human element.

The money I make on Steem is going to change my life forever, it already did. :)

"Sadly, even if it's an excellent stimulant, too many people focus only on the money forgetting about the other aspects of Steem like communities, engaging with each other and simply the human element."

Yep, well, there are temptations all around us, and what will we focus on (money or community) is up to our ethics. Speaking of ethics, I'm now going to unethically promote my post about human ethics: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@lifenbeauty/is-it-good-to-be-a-highly-moral-person, because I don't feel it's too unethical in this particular situation, given that we are speaking about the ethics. Check it out if you like. : )

But if you don't have time to read it, @doodlebear has summarized the problem superbly in his comment: "High morality kills individuals to the benefit of society and no morality kills society to the benefit of individuals."

Gratitude is healthy-contagious. It felt nice to just read your post and see how much this platform has affected lives around the world.

In my opinion, the worst thing that could happen to someone who's genuinely on Steemit for the long haul is their writing skill gets better AND they learn about all the knowledge Steemit has to offer. So nothing bad at all!

Steem positively affected my life tremendously and not just the money that is going to improve the quality of my life but the people I met here and was fortunate enough to change ideas with. :)

I must say, my writing skills got so much better since I joined. I wrote nothing before joining, and now I can write posts that I feel are at least decent and share value.

It's so nice to hear stories like yours technology and social media has helped so many people positively!

Technology, yes, entirely but not any social media. For example, Facebook is pure cancer, in my opinion, it only destroys you, that's why I ditched it. :)

Congrats! Keep at it!
And since you're romanian ... da si mie-un leu, nene! :)) :p

Thanks, man! Haha, how much would that be, like 0.025SBD? lol
Since we are Romanians, bagi o colinda? :)))

Hahah, you reeeaaaally don't wanna hear my singing voice :p
Last time I went caroling, it was with classmates at former teachers, in order to get free wine and shit :p
Maybe we'll meet at some point and you'll gouge out out your eardrums :p

Haha, that sounds like an epic story. Make a video and put it on DTube, singing will make you a Steem Millionaire in no time. ;)

We'll see how that Romanian Meetup @meanmommy33 was talking about unfolds, Summer Cluj 18. ;)

Hell naw, I ain't singing :p

Congratulations @guyfawkes4-20! Im grateful for this website as this is the begining of the complete paradigm change for humanity! Steemit is the New Internet!

Thank you. A massive shift is coming since Steem can revolutionize so many fields. But Steem is not the new internet; Maid Safe Coin is the new internet, Steem is the new Facebook, something better than that actually. ;)

You are totally right! I am also grateful to have join this community, even though I am new I can see the potential and 2018 should be great!

Steem on @guyfawkes4-20 !!!

Everybody should be grateful for this, 2018 is going to be a huge year not only for Steem but the crypto world in general. :D

Steeming is my absolute favourite hobby, and yes we are lucky indeed.

Mine too, it is so freaking great. :D

I am great full too because steem is valuable and powerful

Steem to the moon. ;)

I'm grateful I joined the website this year too. It is never too late to Steem(it).

Indeed, but sadly people think it's too late. We're still a small community; there's always place for growth. :D

You're right :) stories like this makes us believe that we can do it too. Thank you :)

Go out there and do it, you guys have potential. ;)

I agree...We steemians are indeed a lucky bunch

Love your enthusiasm, @guyfawkes! Great post !

I love those moments, when you suddenly become aware of how extremely random life is. Of all the people who ever have or will live on this planet, how minimal is the chance of being right here right now.. And how unlikely it is that you are on top of that, one of the luckiest people in the world. And how even more rare it is to be aware of this, and grateful for it all.. I think it is in these moments we are totally present in the now, and it's like taking your shades off and staring into the sun.. Overpowering gratitude and joy to exist. I think the universe notices that in some way and rewards you even more for noticing how fantastic it is, unlike many other of it's ungrateful creations.. 😎