It is for this reason, @meno, that I think anyone who falls on any side of social issues when it comes to governing bodies (where a lot of the moral imposing takes place), make a mistake when they try to make others bend to their will, because as sure as the pendulum swings their way, it will swing away from them, and they will find themselves on the opposite end of that imposition.
There tends to be moral ideas we can agree on. Most, I believe, feel that murder is wrong, with maybe an exception or two like for self-defense. I think most believe stealing is wrong, though they might justify theft in given situations (we've been seeing that here lately).
I think when it gets down to it, we can see the outcomes of social issues as more and more people push the boundaries. We can see that there is less heartbreak or anguish taking some paths than taking others. Our laws are pretty much predicated on somene's morality—hopefully holding with the majority, and allowing for practicality and exceptions where it makes sense. Unfortunately, reality isn't always so accommodating, which means we aren't either.