Glad to see that you were once a Christian at some point in your life. True Christians are disciples of Christ.
Since He is the Savior, the LORD, and the Judge, the only doctrine anyone must agree with is His. No one else's opinions matter, including yours and mine, because it won't a difference now nor then when we stand before Him.
Some people care so little for their soul they will put their eternal destination on such frivolous words of "Once Saved Always Saved." God does not live in time. You were saved by faith, you must live in faith, or you will not die in faith, and therefore you will be eternally condemned without a Savior.
My hope for you as a brother in Christ is that you will keep the Faith in Christ, and not allow the deceitfulness of sin harden your heart to the point were you give up your trust and obedience to His Words.
P.S. God can use any "jackass" He chooses to speak through, and as long as their words agree with His words it is His voice. To reject the King's messengers, is to reject the King.