I am very happy with who I am right now actually. Monumentally happy for many reasons. My life is good and I fit it well as a participant within it. As I said in my blog, all those cock-knockers helped me build the character I possess now and I'm a good person; Not perfect, but good. I didn't enjoy the prejudice then and wouldn't now although back then I was a young frightened kid and now I'm not so things would be different; Things are different when it happens.
I still experience prejudice now but I'm a different version of me than the six year old, the 15 year old, 30 year old etc. I'm more equipped to deal with it, probably due to the fact it happened in the first place...
It's odd, back when I was on Facebook I'd get the odd friend request from someone from school; I'd ignore it of course but couldn't help but wonder why they'd send it. Does time heal these things, or just make a person forget. I'm 48...I haven't forgotten and yet I'm ok that it happened.