Flawed and broken, but we still have choice...

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

We humans have many choices and decisions to make in life and seemingly the options are endless. We're assaulted with a constant barrage of choice through the media and our own personal interactions with friends, family and work colleagues and at times it can be overwhelming; The plethora of choices can confuse and daze people leading to no decision being made, which of course, is a choice in itself.

Of course some choices or decisions are quite easy to reach with the answer being completely obvious and yet others are more difficult; Each having implications and even more choices present themselves after the initial one is made. I tend to think quite laterally and logically when it comes to decision-making and have the ability to quickly weigh-up the choices, determine the pro's and con's and then move towards a decision. Other's may procrastinate a little more, seek further information or confirmation and then arrive at their decision. There is no right or wrong, although at times decisions need to be made swiftly so those slow to decide could possibly be disadvantaged. I always make my own decisions; I may seek information and other people's wisdom however I always come to my own decision. I am responsible for the outcomes and can lay no blame if things go awry and on the flip side if things go great then I can feel awesome that it was due to a decision I came to of my own accord. image source

Having said all of that, there is one decision I feel people should not have to contemplate or deliberate over. It is a decision that can affect every aspect of a person's life for positive or negative and so is critical to get right. I refer, of course, to the choice between being the best version of yourself or not. Naturally I suggest the former as being the best version of yourself as often as possible is going to affect your attitude, your passion for all things in life and also your operational tempo in life; That is, the rate at which you attack life to gain the best from it. Choosing to be the best version of you means taking responsibility and ownership for your actions, how you treat yourself and others, your activity, your honesty and empathy, your compassion, understanding and generosity and a pile of other things that dictate who you are, how you view yourself and others perceive you. Being the best version of you also means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. In fact, especially then!

I am not always the best me I can be, I'll be honest about that. I sometimes reflect on a situation and think how I could have handled it better, been more understanding or compassionate, kinder, etc. I can recall many times in fact when I have let myself down in this area; I'm human after all. However what's important is learning from those times, understanding that I could have been a better version of me and then doing it. I think that's true self-honesty.

None of us are perfect; We are all flawed and somewhat broken humans unfortunately however we all have the ability to choose to be the best version of ourselves and I believe that if we all focused on doing so our lives would be incredibly different, in a good way.

Today is the best time to start being the best version of you...And since every moment you live in is always today that means everyday is the best day to do so!

[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default -]


G'day mate. True as you are to yourself reflects in all your pieces buddy. Couldn't have said it better myself, but having followed you this far and will continue I understand what kind of man you are and I'm proud to know someone like you who I can learn from and every now and then teach to.

Have a kickass day mate

Hey mate, cool reply, thanks! I appreciate everyone who follows and replies as you do. I just write what comes to mind, what’s relevant and what I’m passionate about. I’m glad someone finds value.

Wise words @galenkp; it's the only way to be!

(btw, stop picturing me in the shower :)

Bahaha! Blame Brian, he loaded the image!

hahaha I thought you would like that :)

I would be dead and buried if I put an image of my wife up like that...You must be tolerant. :)

The patience of a saint :)

your words are my motto my friend

As you said! Nobody is perfect and everyone understands life differently. To be the best versions of ourselves can be a bit difficult for many people, because they live for others, but not for themselves. Care about others and what the society says about them. Instead of accomplishing their dreams, they end up accomplishing the dreams of others :(

To be the best versions of ourselves can be a bit difficult for many people, because they live for others

I believe that in attempting to be the best version of ourselves we are best placed to help others, and ourselves. I’ve never met someone who was the worst version of themselves that actually helped or cared for anyone other than themself and their own (usually greedy or narcissistic) agenda. I don’t want to meet that person either although the world is probably full of them.

Great write up. I like how you mention it’s how you go about things especially when no ones looking.

My old housemate had a saying...

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Everything done to the best of your abilities 👍

Nice saying mate...I’m going to add it to my book of quotes!

I respect your thoughtness. If every one can take right decision right time with honesty , our life Will be more happyness. At last I pray for you ,may god bless you!!!