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RE: Why do we fight to change the world?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Thanks for this post, it's comforting to know that steemit's creator is a thoughtful and aware human. I was particularly struck by this paragraph:

"Any economic system of voluntary rules and incentives I create will struggle to gain traction unless it is used and operated by enlightened individuals. Steem can be an incredibly powerful tool in the hands of aware individuals living in the moment, but it will utterly fail if it is overcome by unaware individuals trapped in their own ego."

I will continue to keep that in mind as I operate in the steemit world, and in life.

Lastly, I'll have to read some Echart Tolle, but your peice above sounds very Buddhist in nature with regard to suffering and living in the moment. Similar to the teachings of Ram Dass in his book "Be Here Now" that I read many years ago as a young man.