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RE: Determining Determinism

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Google published a paper today which may change your view on programming:

Switches will not be simple one and zeros at the quantum level. There is a place for fuzzy neural nets and statistical modelling which allows variance of an outcome even for the smallest elements of the world.

I am still a determinatist though; you just have to go into higher dimensionality.

We use a programmable array of superconducting qubits to compute the energy surface of molecular hydrogen using two distinct quantum algorithms.

Now if that doesn't sound like something Q from Star Trek would do, I don't know what does.

That looks like a really interesting. Yes, quantum computing is coming, no doubt. To me, it just means we're getting closer to how our brains actually function as well. From what little I understand, neurons aren't simply on/off switches either. They're are so many complicated interactions going on, both chemical and electrical... the strength of the neuron pulse, whether or not the connection stays strong over time, etc, etc. All really exciting stuff. Quantum computing may meet human augmentation right as we're figuring out whole brain emulation and super intelligent A.I. It's an exciting time to be alive. It's either the dawn of a new reality, or the destruction of everything we've come to understand so far.