Interesting read to say the least. Your point on running away from gunmen strategically placed around the city is one I don't follow at all.
Surely I have a choice to avoid the gunmen and go in a predetermined path OR do nothing and choose to be shot and killed?
The way you put it makes it sound like wanting to stay alive is a given. My path being affected by the positioning of the gunmen is only predetermined IF I chose to at least try and stay alive.
I mean that their presence will affect every future decision you will ever make.
Yes but I would be only going along with the pre determined path if I use my free will to decide that I want to live rather than get shot and die.
It's analogous to this example,
To go on living I should eat. That does not mean that I ought to eat.
Only if I use my free will to decide that I want to continue living will my actions change and follow a set path of eating routinely. (I path that I choose to follow!)
Your future path changed since you took any decision. it was influenced by others. your will to survive even depends on the perception of your culture and DNA to preserve yourself
Man, determinism can be pretty dangerous. Why sentence people to life in prison if they had no control over their actions?
irrelevant to whether free will exists.