This makes me angry. Not because of the content (I loved that) but because it is so infuriatingly undervalued. Far crappier posts are getting massive votes.
As for your actual post, you make some very important points about the current state of affairs in the world online and offline. We used to have ignorance, now we have apathy born of too much information, too much news, too much data. We no longer care about truth and lies because we are too tired to care.
Beyond that, you make interesting points about people doing bad things because they have mistaken beliefs and would rather do insane things to protect those beliefs than suffer the pain of admitting they are wrong. Then you took a dip into memes -- as in, actual memes in the "informational replicator" sense as opposed to the joke pics we call memes today.
When people care more about the maintenance of their beliefs than they do about the truth, we’re all in trouble. This blog is meant to not only call attention to the problem but suggest solutions. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
Thanks so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it!