
Yeah sports are not my thing. That is partially why I think I can't get into it. I see it given so much importance, when really if it wasn't there at all not much would happen to a persons life. Yet many of the things that people blissfully ignore as long as they have their sports can and do change our lives dramatically. These days often for the worse.

I get bored with televised sports, but I also suspect some anger seeps in to my mind about how millions of people can show up to an after party of some sporting event, yet a small fraction of that amount actually show up for important things.

Colosseum. Give the public what they want... throw the infidels, jews, and white people to the lions. Have them put on flimsy fake armor and fight to the death in the Arena.

Civilized.... HAH.

Growing up and living in Pittsburgh, the sports fan fare in this town is almost disgusting. The Romans had it figured out. Give the masses something shiny to look at while the powers that be draw swords behind the citizens backs and devise the best way to slowly bleed them. You would think in the age of social media, whats really important would boil to the top, but most people don't have their stoves on. Which is why I totally gave up on posting political type conversations on FB, nobody cares.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, it's its' natural manure" Thomas Jefferson