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RE: Determining Determinism

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

The 50/50 thing doesn't seem too bad at first, but gets more disconcerting as you go on. This reminds me of the Ted talks about choice and cause and effect by Barry Schwarz, Ruth Chang, and others, but your post is more scientific.


Are those any good? Worth watching at all?

Some of my favorite books on brain stuff so far include:
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Predictably Irrational
I haven't tackled any on the philosophy of free will and determinism yet, but I have listened to a lecture by Sam Harris which was basically a summary of his book on the topic.

Meh, they're ok. I watched them a while ago and remember them making the point that you can't always qualitatively compare two situations, and showing examples of studies where people's choices were easily manipulated. It wouldn't take more than 30 minutes to watch them all, so maybe it's worth it.

I haven't read those or seen Sam Harris, but now I'm interested! I was going to try to read The Conscious Mind by Chalmers soon.