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RE: And So... It All STARTED?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Prices change in reaction to the changing conditions.

prices gouging you mean, or manipulated by interest rates? Get real!

So you are even further restricting the supply of meat.

yawnnnnnnn... you surely didnt watch the presentation... our current CARTELIZED organization is what led to the problems as described in the presentation.

You are in into circular thinking, I am afraid..

NO RESPTRICTION, PEOPLE WILL GET THE RIGHT NUTRUTIONAL EDUCATION, which will decrease meat consumption by the same token.

55% of the world's people live in cities with no room to grow enough to sustain themselves

Again, circular thinking... when people are taught/told that it is the CARTELIZED STRUCTURES of society that made them move to the city, they/many will gladly go back living on the outskirts, or where they came from.

It is distorted supply vs demand that make people think they must live a city to earn more. It is a total hoax.

Like I said, you dont grasp that society today is UNSUSTAINABLE. You simply do not get it.

Until you acknowledge the problems, you will remain irrational and defend the indefensible.


centralization IS the core issue and needs to go so that we can consume in a much healthier fashion without destroying the planet.

It is overproducing to distort/inflate corporate earnings that got us here. Can you dig it?

That people choose to eat unhealthy food is not the fault of money. The free market provides what people demand

the consumerism conspiracy is REAL, I am afraid

Bernays, Freud's nephew, showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

But who cares, you surely do not care that teams up with law enforcement, strengthening the cyber prison?

Sure.... Corporations have the right to poison the masses if the latter want it. ALLO??? So you are now pro- premeditated crime because people are SIMPLY IGNORANT about what they really eat??? ALLO??? this IMMORAL. No wonder that you also defend the destruction of the planet for profits.

You are of an old school and in complete denial. You are not worth my time anymore.

I am bookmarking this blog, for my readers to understand why our current system is DOOMED, because of people like you, conditioned by the system.

It was great to talk to you and good riddance!!!

You have validated Earth Custiodians Motto: wealth extracts its power from ignorance. Hence wealth needs crimes to prosper.

MORE PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP... the end of the cartels is nearing. Your absolute nightmare. LOL

The Lie We Live (8+ million views)
