Intolerance - the apparent loss of the ability to perceive hypocrisy

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

It is a time of turmoil that I believe is largely due to the media fanning the flames and intentionally stirring up conflict and hatred. So due to this I do find myself daily doing a quick run through various news sites to see if anything has changed. This is not my favorite activity, but I do think that things are volatile enough at the moment that keeping an ear to the ground and scanning the horizon occasionally is important.

The thing that has been bothering me a great deal for many months now and only seems to be increasing is NOT the things people are ranting about specifically, but the apparent lack of serious thought that I see in it.

I see people yelling against racism, bigotry, fascism, oppression, etc which all could be considered sub sets of intolerance and within seconds I see that same person being the most hateful embodiment of all of the things they just yelled about.

This is sometimes called hypocrisy. Now normally a person would realize this when you point it out to them, but I have watched a lot of exchanges between people where there are some being civil and pointing this out. It is almost like these people have a hole in their mind. You try to say, "uhm do you realize you are speaking like the type of person you were just bashing?" and they just don't get it. Or perhaps they don't want to get it. They've been conditioned to not actually listen and think, but to shout and run towards the flames.

In some cases this is also a Saul Alinsky teaching. He wrote in his 1971 book "rules for radicals" one of their tactics should be to accuse the opponent of doing things that they actually did. There is indeed some of this occurring and keep in mind that Hillary Clinton was not only a huge fan of Alinsky, but he was actually one of her mentors and they knew each other. I do not believe this kind of forethought is what the average person blindly running towards the flame is knowingly doing. They don't actually appear to give it that much thought. All that appears to be going through their mind is "hate, hate, hate, hate, hate" and they don't notice how terribly wrong that is. The end result of that can only be catastrophic and the end result of that thinking is likely to be far worse than all the things they are supposedly against.

They fail to see that cheering people being attacked, killed, etc due to an ideological difference is squarely in the BIGOTRY, OPPRESSION, and INTOLERANCE zone. It is one thing to target a very specific individual that their is clear evidence of their wrong doing that backs your movement. It is completely another when you stereotype and generalize and believe an entire group is the problem and should be eliminated. This is what occurs with the racism they claim to be so against, unless you happen to be white and then some of them will say that isn't racism. Further illustrating how little time they actually spend thinking about anything other than hate, and woe is me. They fail to realize that picking a group of people ANY group and treating them as if they are all the same is how the holocaust happened, is how the many more than that were killed by Stalin and Mao (their own people) happened. They yell about horrid atrocities, yet in history the atrocities they claim to be against were committed by people fired up by hate JUST LIKE THEM. If things progress then those in the black bloc, and those cheering for any group to be slaughtered or killed, or thinking it is okay for any group to be persecuted will be the seeds of the new Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Yet, they fail to see the hypocrisy that THEY are in fact the thing they claim to be against.

WAKE UP. Look around. Listen. Engage. Quit putting up mental barriers and blindly chanting, banging on bells and drums, and shouting into megaphones. If you don't stop and listen you'll run us all (yourself included) right off of a cliff as you blindly and gleefully throw your own bodies into the flames.

Your HATE HATE HATE are the seeds from which the Stalins, Hitlers, and Maos are born. Your intolerance will potentially lead to the deaths of many people. With the way weapons progress potentially MOST people.

I say again. Wake up, listen, look around, and engage. Quit acting like a parrot and repeating things simply because someone else told you. Think, use your brain, and learn. Kick the hate, hate, hate to the curb as it has never helped anyone.

We're not in a Star Wars movie and you are deciding to embrace the dark side. This is reality. Do the difficult thing. Think about your actions, listen to many different people, and seek kindness and love rather than embracing hate. Hate doesn't care about you. It feeds upon itself. Once the group you have slaughtered is gone and you are now fueled by hate, what new trait are you going to single out next?

End rant...

This video I watched yesterday is very moving, honest, and worth watching. It definitely made me consider all of the above more.


I hate it when I see people silencing their "enemies". When you rob someone of a platform to defend themselves, you're essentially becoming the prosecutor and the judge of an issue without a defendant.

Thanks for this, more people should read this.

Yes freedom of speech is not about protecting "popular" speech. That generally does not need protection. Without free speech as you indicated how can someone defend themselves?

All the SJW's and PC cultists in the neo-liberal echochamber known as the left have bought into identity politics far too much. It is pure insanity how much flack you can get for using logic in an argument

Yesterday I was discussing this same topic on facebook, in the comments of my own thread mind you, and I was accused of whitesplaining.

Apparently, to people who buy into identity politics, racial identity predicates facts and logic in an argument, and the color of my skin makes my incapable of participating in the discussion.

Sorry If I ranted a bit, but I'm glad to have found a like minded individual!
Keep up the good work and Steem On!

I see people yelling against racism, bigotry, fascism, oppression, etc which all could be considered sub sets of intolerance and within seconds I see that same person being the most hateful embodiment of all of the things they just yelled about.

Yes! I recently wrote about this too.

Fascists will be the ones calling others the Fascists. Some of these people are so programmed brainwashed by emotion and feelings that they do not stop and intelligently think for themselves. No awareness. Be the change you want to see in the world!

Great message. My advice would be, and it's not going to happen for societies zombies, turn off the TV and get outside. The leaders and owners of this world are going to play their games and if Armageddon starts due to their actions they'll smoke cigars, while eating lobster(nasty cockroach of the sea), and toast the finest single malts in their bought, built and paid for by you bunkers. Remember you're not invited. Remember that the news that they supplied is a separation/divide device. They're good at this and have been doing it for a long time. Not much we can do except realize this, treat each other well and live. The show must and will go on. Don't participate.................

Yep. That is part of what I was getting at and that is right out of Saul Alinsky's play book.

Very awesome post, You should check out Dinesh D'Souza's last 2 movies if you have't all ready. It is really refreshing to find more people who rejecting this propaganda narrative and are starting to think for themselves. Upvoted and following to see more of your content. Very great post.


Yep I am familiar with those works. There are quite a few people like us here on steemit and have been since the beginning. There is a chance. We simply need to find the cure for zombies without having to shoot them.

Hahaha nice one. I recently joined, and its so great being able to have a rational discussion or able to share ideas without being labeled or insulted for not parroting mainstream media's set ideology on platforms like fb and twitter. The mass hypocrisy is mind numbing, has no one watched Star Wars episode 1 to 3, the empire ended up becoming the bad guys, that's pretty much the today's left.


that's pretty much the today's left.

A lot of them anyway. Yet it so easily can become ANY of us if we don't pay attention and use our minds.

I try not to blame the entire left as that is a lot of people and then I'd be no better than the people I described in my article. Though I do get your sentiment and I agree there are a large amount of them over there. I blame a lot of that on media.

Oh no not blaming the entire left, you get my sentiment, mostly their soapboxes the media, news and politicians. Although when a vast majority believes the absolute bullshit they are being fed so unequivocally, you have to start questioning their critical and logical thinking.

Though I do get your sentiment

Yep I figured as much... I just felt obliged to say something so it didn't sound like I was endorsing the generalizations and such after writing the post I did. It'd be hypocritical of me to think it is bad when someone I disagree with does it, but okay if it is done by someone I agree with. :)

Hillary did her Senior Thesis on Alinsky... whose mentor, by the way, was none other than Frank "The Enforcer" Nitti!

Yeah pretty crazy.

It is a great article... If there's one thing I can't stand it's a hypocrite!

Yeah I despise hypocrites... so I try to get them to think before they drag me into the pool of hate... as it is hypocrites that would be the target of my ire.

At my age, I've learned we live in a world of self-absorbed hypocrites... I've come to expect it. I just try to avoid them (difficult) and shut them out as best as I can.

Lately they are like the BLOB in the movie blob... consuming and getting bigger and bigger... and oblivious to anything but eating more and getting bigger.

I can't believe this... 27 views in 2 hours- where is everybody???

BTW that video at the end is worth watching and sharing if you haven't seen it.

I have it bookmarked... I'm watching to see how my post does. I kinda have to move soon and need to make about $100 a day writing. If I don't do better I'm going to do a post about a great video I watched on Cultural Marxism today.

Also largely due to the current education system, that hasn't been upgraded since what, the 50's? Noone is taught how to think for themselves anymore. Critical thinking? HA! That's just a you tube video to quickly pass over...

Yes, spot on. Critical Thinking is perhaps my #1 thing I like to talk about. Especially with regards to education, and the Prussian Education System that most of the worlds education is modeled upon.

I've written a lot on this. I have actually chosen that topic as likely one of the few ways I might be able to help the world. If I can get even a few people more aware of critical thinking then there is hope. Thus, I sometimes refer to it as the windmill I have chosen to tilt.

Impressive, I will definitely be supporting you!

"Hate doesn't care about you."
Wise, wonderful words. We are just host bodies to the virus of hate. It will use us up, use us as a factory for making more hate, and then throw us away as ruined husks. Thank you for this post.

Hah... I love your handle... kind of the opposite of the Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care ritual.

After I conceived of this handle, I saw this youtube that expresses the same concept: eff their dark rituals of evil. Conduct our own rituals of creativity! (The intro is heavy on chem trails, but I think anyone can fill in the blank with whatever they feel causes oppression and injustice ).

I am not an anti-conspiracy person guy... no worries. I know what those words actually mean. ;)

Precisely! :D

The number one google search over the past 24 hours is the NBA draft. Daunting when there is so much going on. Ignorance reigns in the USA.

Yeah sports are not my thing. That is partially why I think I can't get into it. I see it given so much importance, when really if it wasn't there at all not much would happen to a persons life. Yet many of the things that people blissfully ignore as long as they have their sports can and do change our lives dramatically. These days often for the worse.

I get bored with televised sports, but I also suspect some anger seeps in to my mind about how millions of people can show up to an after party of some sporting event, yet a small fraction of that amount actually show up for important things.

Colosseum. Give the public what they want... throw the infidels, jews, and white people to the lions. Have them put on flimsy fake armor and fight to the death in the Arena.

Civilized.... HAH.

Growing up and living in Pittsburgh, the sports fan fare in this town is almost disgusting. The Romans had it figured out. Give the masses something shiny to look at while the powers that be draw swords behind the citizens backs and devise the best way to slowly bleed them. You would think in the age of social media, whats really important would boil to the top, but most people don't have their stoves on. Which is why I totally gave up on posting political type conversations on FB, nobody cares.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, it's its' natural manure" Thomas Jefferson

Mainstream media is made up of a small group of corporations with an agenda, fortunately I cancelled my cable subscription many years ago, I do not want to hear from them or their sponsors.

Yep I cancelled cable about 11 or 12 years ago too... though technically I have it now. We care for my wife's too older parents with decreasing health. They like to watch old black and white and western TV shows so we have cable, but they are the only people in my house that ever watch it.

I do miss Turner Classic Movies.

They spend a ton of time there. I think they often watch the same things over and over again.

nice post

If you realise, it has become nothing but "entertainment".
Fanned by the actors, and now it is flaming hot. :(

Wow. This kind of honesty is so beautiful to see in action. The honesty and compassion for ourselves and eachother is .... healing. Powerful stuff. Thank you!

Honesty is my only gear. Sometimes I can be too honest. It can be painful. Yet sometimes things are painful, it is why our nerves have pain receptors. We learn from pain, just as we learn from other things.

Orwellian Nation... Sad to see

Orwellian World... I thought Antifa spread from us to Europe. It turns out they have been there longer than here. In fact, Germany had problems with them and the mask wearing, and apparently around 1986 they made it illegal to wear masks at protests. I mean how would you know if it wasn't just the same provocateurs traveling from site to site for some "Orwellian" agenda? Yet that is only one of the issues.

So some of what we are dealing with now has apparently been in Europe for awhile. Though I also know we are exporting a lot of craziness as well.

I agree. I have seen an increase in people using Hitler and KKK to describe people they don't agree with. Example "Your KKK so its ok for me to attack you, through a brick through your small business". When its clear that the small business owner isn't KKK.

Alinsky was a dangerous radical - he was a mentor to Hillary. I believe the republic would have been lost if she had been elected. We would have tipped over beyond the point of recovery.

All the things you hear the left whining about in regard to Trump, are slowly being proven to be issues originating somewhere in the left itself. Alinsky at work.

