WARNING: This may be an uncomfortable topic for some of my readers. I am a man of many interests and I don't fit into any particular stereotype except for possibly WEIRD.
I also dedicate this post to my new steemit friend @alchemage. This topic is for you. It may send some of my followers screaming and pushing the unfollow button. So be it. I am who I am.

My stance is that science is a great and unbiased tool. It is great for doing certain things. It is really useful only when you can measure something, create experiments, and replicate.
What it is not good at is disproving things that we cannot currently measure. So called "scientists" that say something is not real because they cannot measure it are not practicing science.
SKEPTICISM: It is however good to remain a skeptic. So much of what we think about comes purely from our minds and I refer to as speculation. Science would refer to it as a hypothesis. It can still be real, it just can't really be proven or disproven beyond that point without being able to measure, replicate, publish and let other people challenge and replicate.
I do find this to be true.
That said... I also personally believe there are some strange phenomena that mankind has labeled and described many different ways. It is my hope that someday we will be able to measure and prove some of these things, because we do observe them now and we create many hypothesis about what they are and how they happen.
I believe in ghosts simply from personal experience and observations. I also can easily debunk many ghost stories. What and how ghosts work there are many hypothesis on.
I believe there are things that are OTHER than ghosts call them spirits, entities, demons, loa, whatever suits your purpose. They are something I've seen hints of and all the labels I see as hypothesis attempting to put a costume on top of them. Those of us that believe they are there and there are things we cannot yet measure do often speculate on what and how these things operate, exist, etc. These are hypothesis. That does not make the hypothesis wrong, yet it cannot be proven or disproven at this time via science due to lack of measurements. There are observable phenomena, but they do not occur on demand and we are very much in the infancy of trying to measure things. Televised reality shows have also given it a bad taste as their approach is to do the same thing over and over and use gimics that are appealing to the audience. This does make sense from a business perspective, but it is not particularly useful to the advancement of knowledge.
I've written two different articles on Word Hijacking ONE, TWO. The word Occult is actually one that was hijacked a long time ago. All it means is HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE. When something is CENSORED, technically it is OCCULTED. All of the top secret documents in governments is OCCULT because it is hidden knowledge. That is all it means. I bet a lot of people reading this did not know that.

Esoteric Knowledge
This can be something beyond the word occult. Though often the word occult is used to describe these types of things because they are often deemed as lost knowledge.
I have a heritage in this field. I also have an interest in this field deep at the genetic level. Yet I also believe that I look at it a bit different than a lot of people.
I do think there is some lost knowledge, yet I also think there is a lot of new knowledge that was not discovered in the past. I do not blindly view any studies of these fields as simply trying to relearn what people in the past knew. This is the same of whether you are Asian (Taoist), Wiccan, Druid/Druidiactos, New Ager, Alchemist, etc.
There is much to learn from the past, yet I don't personally believe it is to simply believe the same things they did. I see it more as learning new things to consider as we seek answers. When we are dealing with things in the hypothesis stage so much of it is intuition, speculation, and for some people faith. I don't put any belief into the concept of faith myself, it doesn't work for me. I operate from intuition and speculation (some might call it spirituality), yet I am often wrong so unlike faith I go into any of these studies with the idea that I am very likely wrong, maybe only a little wrong, or possibly completely wrong. Yet it is voyaging into the unknown with no flashlight (cannot measure).
Decades ago I did become to believe that there appears to be some ENERGY that responds to belief. The more strongly and focused the belief is the more effect it seems to have. The effect is generally not like the MAGIC USER throwing a fireball, or parting the red sea type of thing, but it can impact health, impart knowledge, and alter the mental landscape of people. How? This is where I differ from a lot of people.

I don't believe those practicing Enochian magic were right, and the Native American Shaman was wrong. I don't believe that praying to Jesus is any more powerful than praying to Shiva, or Gaia, or Diana.
The common factor for me is this idea of some energy we have not yet found out how to measure. I do believe it has been given a name. Some may call it Mana, others Chi or Ki, and me I liked to play with calling it Wyrd Force. I liked the spelling of the word Wyrd because that often means magical but it also has the connotations of WEIRD which really fits me.
So if there is a force that responds to concentrated belief that is focused how does magic work (for those that believe it does)?
I believe people's hypothesis often shared with others no longer are deemed as simply a hypothesis. They begin to have faith in these speculations. That faith is a shared thing. It is shared collective belief in a common thing. If this energy does indeed respond to belief then it seems that this form of collected belief would be particularly effective.
You could almost view this like The Force from the Star Wars fiction. Yet if it exists then I'd view it more like a tool and not good, evil, dark, or light. It is a tool and like any tool it can be used for benevolent, or malevolent purposes.
Enochian magic and other things Crowley and the Golden Dawn were into are very complex and focused systems. I believe the sheer complexity helps focus the belief so it may have indeed worked for them.
Yet this means that any belief system discussing this could have been correct. There is no one system that we've found to rule them all.
I came to this conclusion long ago. I've had so called witches curse my family and had weird stuff going on. I put an end to it every time. I just focus belief and make up whatever belief I need to formulate to counter such things. I realize it could be foolish, but if I am wrong then I've really got nothing to lose except for a little bit of my time.
History and Future Discussions
This is a topic I enjoy discussing. I realize some of my friends and readers here may not be comfortable with this topic. That is fine I will attempt to clearly mark when it is such a subject and you are more than welcome to skip it. I do not post these ideas to try to convince people, but simply because I've encountered some gifted minds that have similar interests and now I can discuss ideas with them that I haven't had such an opportunity to do so in the past.
POWER OF INTENTION post.Also I think @alchemage was writing about a similar thing in his
What role does human psychology and neuroscience play into all this? When you say things can't be measured, what about measurements concerning how humans can be primed to believe in completely fabricated "spiritual" experiences or how we, as a species, often put meaning to things when no such meaning exists due to our habit of pattern matching and labeling?
My current view is we'll discover much of what people perceive about what changes their reality really is their own perceptions at work. It's like being told the wine you're about to drink is really expensive and got a very high score. Your tastebuds actually respond differently.
Some books which have influenced me regarding human perceptions: Thinking, Fast and Slow and Predictably Irrational.
Oh also... I wish that bitpay card would hurry up and get here. I may need to buy those books.
gyft.com purse.io Get them discounts :)
If you check them out, let me know what you think.
I added them to my list of recommended books. It is not very long. I truly only add ones there from people I respect and that I believe are likely to show me some things in a new way. I have your books there as well as this Principia Discordia that @alchemage recommended.
I did end up posting one of the weird ghost stories that my skepticism has not slain. I'd be interested to hear your insights and opinions on it.
As a Christian I believe that any belief can completely change your reality. The difference between those who perished in concentration and those who survived (when it was up to them and not decided by others) was based largely on their belief.
The same reason I believe that placebos can "cure" diseases. I think a lot may be due to the effect hope has on your body. There is no debating that long term depression is detrimental for your health, so the opposite should remain true as well I would assume.
I guess my email is technically a occult mail by definition (unless wikileaks decides to find out about my ebay purchases and who wants to add me on farmville on facebook haha)
Yes the thing about my view of this energy is it is kind of peaceful and passive when it comes to religion. It doesn't really care whether you are Christian, or a Native American Shaman. It makes it so they could ALL be real in some way. Now there are of course going to be fundamental differences in each religion, yet at the basic level I do think there is some energy that could be focused by all. They've shown that prayer can help in healing, and in some cases it seemed to happen even when the person being prayed for was unaware of it. I do not know how rigorous in terms of scientific method these tests were, so they could potentially be completely invalid in terms of science.
Yet let's assume there is merit to it. This energy responding to prayer doesn't seem to differentiate whom you are praying to. You could pick any religious target and being praying and hoping the person is healed and it seems to have some effect.
I find that interesting.
I did find the real meaning of the word OCCULT very interesting, that is why I chose to share it.
I am not encrypting my email, I am occulting it. :)
I love it. While I personally believe this particular case is a scam, I do find it quite interesting the idea that our thoughts and words can have effects on the things around us. Frozen Water supposedly this man takes pictures of the water after praying or say positive or negative things and has made a book of the microscopic photos.
I do think words can effect the person, but whether that happens on a molecular level is up for debate.
Every time I type a password I'm going to be thinking about "de"culting my content haha.
you know.. I think you might be on to something. For every practice, religion, theory or belief... there is always a polar force to oppose that idea or practice or should I say, ward off that "other" shit attacking you.
Jesus has Satan, God has the devil, black magic vs white magic.. shamans, warlocks etc... they all have "rituals" or "methods to counter attack anything you feel a victim of
Great Read.. I like the way you see it, I agree
Glad you found some value in the post. For me I was walking into an area I am sometimes uncomfortable speaking about because so many friends I have that I respect are 100% opposed and closed minded about such topics and they really are not people I want to be at odds with. I tend to therefore stick with the science and things that can be measured for the most part because it is the SAFE path. @alchemage speaking with me yesterday inspired me to take the risk and instead walk the SAGE path. :)
You shouldn't let anyone dictate your belief system or where you stand. If they are friends or family.. they will love you regardless of what you believe in. I grew up pentecostal/apostolic pretty harsh religion... I have my own understanding of what I feel and experience.. no one will change that experience as it is exclusive to myself.
I have seen first hand different variations of what you mentioned above and all of them should be considered as dangerous but necessary forces in our existence.
Either way, there will always be "KARMA" "GOOD/BAD" "BLACK/WHITE" "YIN/YANG" DARKNESS AND LIGHT.. it really depends on where we feel the most comfort, where we inevitably choose to live.
I grew up in the pentecostal/apostolic religion... I learned to stay away from religion and build on what my own experience and knowledge has taught me. Being my own spirit free of order has never felt better
Oh I don't let them dictate my beliefs. I just choose my battles. I don't actually believe in ANY written religion. I personally see them as all the words of man. Yet I don't go out of my way to challenge people who do believe in them (unless invited to). Most of the time that is a no win situation for them or me. So my friends don't dictate my beliefs. I simply know some topics would be a waste of time to discuss with them.
You can have certain meditative experiences that make you realize there's more to existence.
Yes. You can and I have. Yet what those realizations were was me speculating on what I had experienced. It is like watching lightning and speculating how it happened. Some people thought it was Zeus getting pissed off.
I speculate all the time on my experiences, I simply always keep myself well aware that I could be completely wrong about my interpretation of what I saw, felt, heard, smelled, tasted.
More of this please! Though at the moment I am not trying to understand it. It just IS.
I wanted to post this as a reply to your ghost story number 1, but since it is more then a month old, I can't, so I'll post it here, and hope you don't mind.
Oh, I've been/seen/experienced a ton of weird stuff. Some of it can be explained by science, some can't and for some I want to hang out with someone who can help me find and explain how the weird stuff works.
Because it might help in making it work better! At some point I'll be doing a series of posts on the subject too. Thanks for another inspiration.
I love this post, mainly because it keeps everything in a speculatory or hypothetical stance. It shows that despite all of our technological and scientific advancement as a human race, there are still many things that we can neither prove nor disprove, things that we can't yet fully delve into, understand or explain. This universe is still so full of things to discover, and it's so fascinating in my opinion. As a Christian of many different and unorthodox lifestyle practices, I like to soak in new information and process it to see if it works in my own personal life. I take all these concepts that often cause fights, disagreements and war over each other, and rather than "choosing a side" as many too often do, I like to MELD them together, then trim off the fat that holds no water for me.... then I step back and look at what I've come to as a spiritual conclusion, and what I see is far cooler than what the world has to offer with their endless bias.... so I just roll with it haha. :)
I believe there are many things in my way of belief, faith and thinking that I may be wrong about, but then there are so many things that I believe do have their own validity as well, and that's ultimately the beauty of these types of discussions and sharing of experience. It allows us to openly add things to or remove things from what we originally thought or believed for ourselves, and allows us to form new or maybe even "improved" ways of thought or belief so that we may continue to shape ourselves as people, so long as it keeps us yearning to be the best and most morally sound people we can be in this life. There is still so much for us to discover and learn, and it's both a frustrating and beautiful thing.... so full of both science AND magic. Why separate them? They both play essential parts in how we conduct ourselves in everyday life. I say let them work together in harmony within us, it will open us all up to new experiences and overall possibilities.
A well thought-out and well put-together post @dwinblood, I always look forward to your posts brother! \m/
Oh, also - have you looked into Discordianism/Chaos magick? What you described there at the end, creating and using systems at will to your advantage, is a basic core concept of CM.
Actually no I haven't. My style of magick is simply one I created on my own and evolve as circumstance dictates. It wouldn't surprise me to hear there are other people that do a similar thing and have a name for it.
My main encounters with Discordianism are mainly from tongue and cheek Illuminati Card Games by Steve Jackson where one of the Illuminati Factions you can play is the Discordian Society. It is really funny that this is the case though as I have two steemit accounts I post under. This one which is unrestricted, and @chaospoet where I attempt to only respond in some form of poetry. I've managed to have some deep conversations a few times with me just responding on the fly in rhyming poetry. It is a challenge and I am also really long winded so it tends to reign that in a bit. I have slipped up and posted out of character a few times as @chaospoet simply because I forgot I was on the wrong monitor. :) It is funny how I view magick this way, and you reference Chaos Magick, and my other persona is @chaospoet. :P
If you ever get the chance and your curiosity is piqued enough, definitely give Principia Discordia a read. I feel as though you would take to it with lightning speed. Our talks thus far lead me to believe you are a Discordian whether consciously or not, heh.
That secondary poet persona is fabulous! Wow, that really gives a logical mind some work on the creative side. That type of practice works both hemispheres at once, those types of techniques are my favorite to use. I'm about to boardy plane to visit my family across the continent, but I will certainly be looking further into @chaospoet!
My magick style is completely of my own making as well, hence the Episkipo. I will study techniques for achieving what I aim to accomplish, but then I will create my own spell/ritual/sigil/etc from scratch.
I have had no access to esoteric and occult knowledge when I was younger, and was very much pushed away from it. It's devil worship to my entire family, except those who think its the ramblings of a madman [they're probably right, the latter, but all the best magicians are mad - eh?]. Everything I've learned I have taught to myself through rigorous study, testing theories, and healthy debates with the handful of magi that are open enough to converse about such with me.
My mother is a huge bible thumper. She was terrified by things she experienced when still with my biological father. I was around 3 when she left him, perhaps younger so needless to say I didn't remember him. Around age 16 she told me all about him and I met him for the first memorable time around 17 or so. I can tell it made my mother nervous how many similar interests I had to him though I was never around him to be exposed to them.
Yeah I have some pretty bizarre stories. I have to wonder how many of them were true, and how many of them were LSD inspired.
I believe making up your own is the way to go. :)
Psychedelia definitely play a large role in my personal experience in uncovering magick in my life. Entheogens are wonderful for breaking down old paradigms.
I too, though, wonder at times what has been the entheogens and what was reality.
I haven't used psychedelia though I've had plenty of opportunity and plenty of friends using it around me. I am weird enough without it. So all the bizarre stuff I've come up with has been without any known chemical assistance. That could be a scary thought as well. ;)
I've posted this to chat, but still there is a great article about Chaos Magick by a guy whos post on fb made me aware and interested enough about steemit to join it.
It needs more love. :-)
Absolutely! Learn from the past, don't emulate it. It is from our current actions that our future may be more clear.
Magick is the science of controlled coincidence. ;)
Like all things of nature, they are all neutral - good and evil are merely conceptions of the human polarity experience. Good and bad are both subjective ideas that are an intrinsic part of the same idea, as hot and cold are polarities of temperature.
Belief is one of the, if not the, strongest tools a mage has to work with. If the mage does not believe, the mage will more than likely fail - unless external forces wish to see otherwise, but then in reality would it be the mage succeeding?
Great post, as always I really enjoyed your writing style! Thank you for the shout out. :D
A really cool article! It describes my gripes with more scientifically minded people than I am perfectly. And while I had a lot of weird experiences I try to approach all that stuff impartially.
On the topic of magic. After some really interesting chemically assisted experience, my definition of magic is this:
An ability to change the situation, without making any physical changes to it.
I use a chess party as an example. Perhaps not the best thing to use as an example, but I am so far unable to think of something better. Maybe a game of Go would be better? Anyhow, bear with me. The play is in progress, and there is currently some situation on the board. One of the sides has a move, and it doesn't matter which. Magic happens, when you change the situation without moving any pieces. Maybe you talk. Maybe you change your perspective, and the weights behind the pieces change, or the probablilites of certain moves do. Somehow the situation is different.
It is much easier to do in actual situations that involve humans instead of rules based games, but I hope it is a good description.
Interesting concept with the chess party. Yes, changing perceptions can be magickal. :)
Have you heard of the God Helmet?
If manipulating the mind to have these experiences is possible, then that means to me that it is just a function of the brain due to either external/internal factors when people experience a ghost, a spirit, or another sort of entity. It's merely their brains.
Occam's razor agreed with this sentiment beforehand anyways ;)
On Esoteric Knowledge - I agree. Totally possible that they knew stuff in the past that we haven't yet ourselves. This could be herbal remedies, technologies, etc. Plausible, and worth keeping an eye out for.
On Energy - Again, perhaps. Studies would be nice on this, but I don't think that people with faith are tapping into any higher energy. It's excessively probable that there will be a physiological answer as to why certain people overcome incredible odds in the future when we have to tools to quantify it. Until then, just another hypothesis with no substance other than anecdotal, IMO.
Comfortable? - Very! My dad has a million ghosts stories and I always loved hearing them as a kid. Even as an atheist, they still excite me, even ones I've heard a bunch. XD
Yes there is definitely a great deal of that. I have actually ruled out most experiences I had as stuff like that. I throw it out. The ones that remain are ones where I ended up learning something I couldn't possibly know and then years later finding about it. One audio recording, and the other was second hand but my friend described seeing something neither of us would hear about in history until two decades later. I plan to blog on some of these. I loved ghost stories when I was younger. :)
Energy - as I spoke to @lukestokes above I am curious if this might have anything to do with how quantum particles can change their state based on observation. Interesting stuff. I also put this energy stuff FIRMLY in my realm of speculation. It is something I believe there may be something to it, but it is my own speculation so I have zero doubt it is somewhat, or perhaps even completely flawed. :)
I can believe these things by the way WITHOUT believing in religion.
I am atheist / deist. I literally do not believe a single written religion. Yet Deism simply says "There was a creator, he/she/it may have left, now use reason" and doesn't believe in revelation, prophecy, etc. I can't prove there was or was not a creator. So atheism and deism BOTH work for me I just take the use REASON part.
Yet I don't have to agree with a religion to see strange things happen and wonder about them. :)
No doubt brother. I totally respect your atheist/deist perspective and I love speculating about this stuff as well.
I think quantum physics are just mind boggling. I've read the basic stuff, like Brian Green, Michio, etc... but I also realize that I know basically nothing about the field. I do know that in time, our minds will perpetually be blown with what we uncover.
In the meantime, I see stuff happening in the quantum world as something we don't experience in our world. Non-experience does not mean non-existence, it just means it's irrelevant until we experience it on our level. 11+ dimensions, infinite multiverse, quantum entanglement, etc. have yet to prove a direct effect on our existence, as far as I can tell. Again, I could be completely wrong on that assessment, but that's how I personally think about it.
One of my favorite books is Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot. Although it calls for massive government funding for space exploration, his passion for the limitless possibilities for our species just blew my mind. I am always ready to have those moments again. :)
Can't wait to read the blogs you got coming up. Certainly sound spooky as all hell. Don't tell me the message was "mine bitcoin in 20 years" in 1989 XD
Where can I find Enochian magic? How does it work?
It was a collaborative work by John Dee and Edward Kelley. There is actually a huge amount of material out there on it. Predominantly when you see people drawing very intricate designs with sigils, glyphs, etc that is largely based upon geometric shapes it is Enochian in nature. There are of course other systems with intricate drawing Mandalas, Indian Medicine Wheel, etc Yet they typically do not also have lettering and language mixed into the drawing.
Enochian Magick was supposedly dictated to Edward Kelley via angels.
If you google the term you'll find a flood of information. If you prefer a book there are tons of them on Amazon just type in the word Enochian.
I studied it (did not practice) along with my journey where I studied just about any religious or magickal text I could get my hands on. My simple book that I've read several times is this one, and I doubt it is the best text for starting, it is simply the one I own.