What is reality? is it what we see? Does that mean that the things we see are, real, and the things we cannot ,aren't? If that's what you believe then I have news for you. Maybe just maybe you're incorrect. We know that we cannot see certain things with our own eyes. X-rays, Infrared, Ultra Violet, etc. We need machines to see those things. It's because of X-ray devices we know that black holes exist.
The mantis shrimp is an amazing animal in the fact that it can see in more spectrum's of light than we can. That means that, to them the world looks and is different. We look different to every animal we come across. Now before I go into some more thought science that will ultimately blow your mind into millions of little insignificant pieces, I want to make sure you understand that part at least. That was my sorry attempt at a joke. We all understand that what we see isn't necessarily true. Some people "see" ghosts or aliens and most people don't believe them because it has nothing else to prove they exist. Truth is what we see and what everyone else sees is and will always be different. If I see the sky as purple there's no way for you to know what i'm seeing, we can only guess. We each have a different version of the way we see things and if we all see things differently then what is "reality"? Reality is the perception or assumption that we all believe others see the world the way we do. The perfect example of this disruption is the Blue and Black or White and Gold Dress photo that made its rounds on the internet in 2016. Then and only then did we all realize that we see things slightly different and we all were very frustrated as to what exactly the color was.
If hypothetically extraterrestrials that can see in more forms of light than we can were to observe that picture they'd describe it's color as being something we don't see or cannot comprehend because its impossible to experience the world through someone else's eyes. People who hallucinate or hear voices in their heads that tell them to do outlandish things. I cannot say that what they're experiencing isn't real if they believe it. If perception is reality and perception is different for everyone then technically reality is different for everyone as well. Human beings are limited in their senses, no, the human body is limited in and of itself. If you believe in God then this is where you can agree that the body was designed by something smarter than us. I'll be making a lot of references and i'll save a few videos as well...maybe.. not that i think about it...too much work. So i'll make a reference now and maybe it hasn't been deleted from the internet, but the name of those you should search for is Kurzgesagt. They do a number of videos. Of which I've seen after already coming to my own conclusions. Back on topic, perception is different in all aspects. The only truth is math. Math can never be wrong. Through math you get physics and quantum physics, so on and so fourth. What if I told you that your common perceptions of how the world currently is isn't true? Flat earthers have made their return into main stream in 2016 and 2017. What if I told you that Doctors PRACTICE their profession? If a doctor wanted to, he could one day wake up and say, to the first person that comes in, I'll tell them they have Cancer. You can then write a prescription make thousands from scaring someone else into believing what they say. Perception is that if someone has a degree in a specific field they MUST be telling the truth. I'm here to tell you that perception is what YOU make it. I'll be covering Simulation theory and a bunch of other stuff in other text files but plain and simple.
Everything isn't what you believe and what you believe has to be challenged. But even if you challenge it you still can't or won't know for sure exactly whats real. Remember. Some people believe psychedelics, once taken, they open your eyes, or your minds eye, or your mind to what the world really looks like. That can be true but it also cannot. You'll never know, and any proof you think you can come up with to prove it is most likely true, doesn't fit in with what others believe or someone else's requirements for proof are different. Those same people also believe the government when they say the FDA is here to PROTECT American citizens yet fired the scientists that voted against using refined sugar products in food because the rats they tested, were growing tumors. They also used to think it was safe to use lead in paint, asbestos in insulation, and burning coal for energy. Feel free to look that up, as well as suppressed technology. Companies tell lies to get money. DMT or dimethaltriptamine is a chemical compound that's found within the Pineal gland inside of the human brain. The egyptians believed the EYE of HORUS which is symbology for a cross section of that gland as being the all seeing eye. Science has been able to prove that DMT only exists in larger amounts when the pineal gland releases it. Once released you hallucinate. All of what i'm speaking about is NATURAL to the human body and to this day scientists cannot figure out the purpose of this chemical.
This chemical seems to pass the blood brain barrier which is the resistance force most drugs encounter with ease. Not even cannabis passes through this barrier as easily as DMT does. This can mean that the body recognizes the molecular structure of DMT as being apart of the body itself. Like it belongs there. Science has already figured out that DMT exists in EVERY living organism on earth. Now i'm going to go into further detail in another aspect of this DMT talk but basically for now just understand that DMT is found in high concentrations inside plants like ayahuasca. That's basically the end of this though. Moral of the story is that nothing is ever real because your body isn't advanced enough to comprehend the remainder of what you "cannot see". Next subject DMT and fourth dimension theory.
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