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RE: Why do we fight to change the world?

Dan! I could fucking hug you.

The MEANS is everything, indeed. I have dramatically had shifts in my consciousness the last couple years, and right where you are is right where I am. It is happening for hundreds, thousands even, and this is why Steemit, as a concept, can very well succeed.

You have a goal. You know where you are going. The goal has its importance. But the doing is what is truly fulfilling. Every enthusiastic person has a goal that may be important, but the doing is intensely fulfilling, and it is the essence of enthusiasm. ~ Eckhart Tolle

This is what I have addressed in my writings about the undergirding of FEAR, that is: that the goal can have its importance, and you can strategize to reach that goal, but the journey is fulfilling and you hold no emotional turmoil linked to an outcome, no stress related to "IT MUST HAPPEN THIS WAY, OR ELSE."

One of the most powerful concepts I learned to understand very slowly over time is "stay flexible in your approach".

If the journey is all that matters in the end, then you can see multiple paths, and adjust your moves rather effortlessly in order to get to the same goal (while also being open to adjusting the goal if need be)-- rigidity and neurotic obsession vacate the mind and heart entirely.