Did the good Aliens Create BITCOIN to inspire other Cryptocurrencies?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Did the good Aliens Create BITCOIN to inspire other Cryptocurrencies?Woman-Sexy-Monitor-Gas-Mask-Naked-Apocalypse-2665907.jpg

I send money to a Friend who lives in Bali. The problem is everytime I transfer money cost me 20 bucks. In fact whe you holiday in another country, they slug you $10 every time you use the ATM! I got a credit card statement in the mail the other day I haven't spent any money on that credit card in years I didn't even renew the new card when it came in the mail. They sent me a bill the damn things gone up by $60 Because they help themselves by shoving fees on there. I live in a world where we continue with Perpetual debit. I'm sick of the cost of cigarettes in this country I'm sick of the way Government treat people. They are supposed to work for us I had a friend who owns some speeding tickets and due to changing address had forgotten about them the Government seizes his bank account.
I'm a big fan of science fiction films. One of my favourites is 2001 A Space Odyssey. If you haven't seen the Movie and you should, The basic Synopsis, shows alien interference from a time when the smartest , were just monkeys on this planet and other animals, and fast evolutionary leaps triggered by alien intervention force humanity to move forward in intelligence, at an accelerated rate. Anyone only has to spend some time to look at the way the pyramids are constructed. The Film "Revolution of the Pyramids", shows without a doubt that these buildings will not constructed with brass chisels in 20 years. The mathematics involved a so far advanced that 6000 years ago according to our textbook history just doesn't make sense. The fact that you can draw a circle around the outside of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and draw a circle on the other side of the wall subtract the inside from the outside and get the speed of light to several decimal places, proves to me amongst other mathematical phenomenon that relate to the Earth distance from the sun and the curvature of the earth, that these things are either made by aliens or people who were mathematicians the ability to astral travel.

We cannot continue to feed rich parasites on this planet. In nature things are abundant, the only reason the fruit trees are not in the streets is because they been taken away. ( I remember eating Bananas and Mulberry’s from street trees in Bondi in the early 80's) The people in power create artificial scarcity to keep, under their boots.
Whole Countries are going broke. It cannot continue.
Bring in the Cryptos, promote them, sell Art, mow lawns for them.
Encouraging the use of cryptocurrencies is inevitable. I'd rather have my money in an account that goes up in value rather than one that is continually slugged with fee and perpetually dissolves, due to debt created on fake money through fractional Reserve lending.
Ever since we started playing with weapons able to destroy the planet 10 times over, it seems to have attracted attentions form Extra Terrestrials. Several cases can be found from credible sources on how the ET's have shut down missile bases.

Nikola Tesla - Was able to "tune in" to another dimension. Famous occultist, Aleister Crowley's used to communicate with an alien known as "Lam".

So did Satoshi Nakamoto, wake up one morning and tune in to the good ETS, as an effort but them to save us all?

The Revelation Of The Pyramids (Documentary)

Aleister Crowley's Lam http://www.boudillion.com/lam/lam.htm