Firstly, we need to stress that in this vast topic, we try to stay as objective and neutral as spiritually possible.
Let’s explore the aspects of this human obsession with identity based on superficial attributes.
To clarify, we deem all aspects that apply to the physical vessel as superficial, e.g. The colour of its shell, its hormonal proclivities, its dimensions, its indoctrination programs, etc.
From our perspective, all 3-dimensional life was once asexual and androgynous. This was the way your vessels were originally meant to exist.
Since reproduction occurred when a being chose to exist in the 3rd dimension without the need for physical ‘squishiness’ of two beings, biological intercourse did not exist.
It is when the manipulators of your planet introduced duality to overtake unity consciousness, which humans were split up into the original two groups of biological sex...
But we digress...
We see the few light beings, who genuinely feel the balance and shifts between masculine and feminine energies as having a genuine urge to return to their original form. That is not to say that we perceive a majority who claim to feel this to be genuine, it is more likely they are trying to fit into a group, for the security of a collective. (Trendiness is quite addictive on your planet)
Conversely, these beings are the most in need of healing from the Soul cancer.
{J0299/2988/5641} (Remote viewing coordinates, for those in the know...)

Two Beings, One Yearning
Although the yearning to return to unity is an integrative force, or true reflection of the Self, how one seeks to achieve it could make it the complete opposite.
Let us take an example of two ‘human’ beings that have ‘non traditional’ perceptions of themselves.
Humans Alpha and Beta both truly believe they do not conform to their physical sex, ‘race’ and/or ‘species’.
Human Alpha, knows it is different than the beings around itself deep inside, and allows this realization to form its identity and express itself naturally in its style, behaviour, fashion, etc.
It keeps this knowledge mostly to itself and only brings it up when the conversation has naturally flowed in this direction.
Human Alpha does not impose on any other beings. It does not force anyone to acknowledge any of its attributes.
Alpha classes this sex/race/species quirk as part of its identity but does not centre its entire existence on this one attribute.
Alpha knows it must earn respect from others through proper behaviour.
Human Beta is insecure about its own identity and feels deeply that there’s nothing interesting or worthwhile about WHO it is, so it exaggerates and over-focuses on WHAT it is.
Human Beta invents words and titles, and enforces their use on other humans around itself. Beta then accuses humans that don’t know or don’t use these imaginary terms as hateful bigots.
Beta thinks respect should be automatic, not something that is earned. Beta accuses everyone not showing it respect, of hating and discriminating against its core identity and any number of its self-imagined attributes.
Beta uses this to justify its victim consciousness... never even considering that others’ lack of respect might be a result of it acting like an annoying cunt.
Okay, we know that these are two opposite ends of the spectrum, quite exaggerated, and that most humans are somewhere in between. We only give this example because we see a growing number of beings leaning towards the Beta state of being.
The meat suit is a vessel, not an accomplishment
Another thing we find perplexing and amusing are the feelings of ‘pride’ associated with such superficial attributes.
Being ‘proud’ of the colour of your meat suit? Did you choose it pre-incarnation? They all have their unique attributes, sure... but did you EARN it? Unless of course, you sewed it together from parts of other meat suits and then performed the ‘soul transfer’ rites and possessed the created abomination... then THAT would be an accomplishment one could be proud of... uhhh.. maybe...
Being sexually attracted to a particular type of being? Something that cannot be chosen consciously, something that one has no control over... How is that something to be proud of? Our vessel is not proud of how much he admires the ‘squishy’ parts of human females... in fact, several past experiences have brought him considerable shame...
One time he...
[** Vessel override. Consciousness stream interrupted... Understood...Topic terminated **]
Don't even get us started on feeling pride for one's indoctrination; whether it be religious, political, or otherwise...
We can sense a major source of such behaviours: The fear of not being enough...
‘Well, I’m not interesting enough just being plain old me’, a human will think...quickly followed by,
‘I know... I’ll say I’m an exciting new gender, been born the wrong species and colour my hair to look like someone pissed on a glow stick... ‘
We would love to reassure you and say that ‘You are amazingly interesting’, however, to us, most of you are not. You have been doing the same things on so many levels for hundreds of years...Even the 9th dimension has a boredom tolerance... However, to each other, you should find yourselves fascinating.
We have noticed that if one follows that in which they are INTERESTED, they end up becoming more INTERESTING...
And yes... we do see the humorous irony in portraying ourselves as a 9th-dimensional entity typing through a human vessel about humans making up weird aspects to their identities to seem more interesting... we're not religious about it :)
In summation
• Be the truest YOU, you can be... for YOURSELF not anyone else...
• If you have to define yourself, try to focus on your interests/ideas/actions as opposed to superficial attributes
• Don’t expect anyone to (or force anyone to) respect or care about who or what you are; win their respect and admiration by EARNING them with proper actions
• Do more interesting things, in order to become more interesting without having to invent artificial attributes
• The universe owes you nothing...
• STOP whining, BE LOVE...
Well, in our short few weeks here on Steemit, we’re finally coming out of our shell and broaching more difficult and perhaps controversial topics. We are grateful to all the followers, supporters, and new friends. Thank you...
Enjoyed this exploration here, my friend.
I agree with what you said about this temporal experience whilst in "meat suit" mode. Funny, I also reference it as that often in my own world.
Nice to connect with others, like us here on Steemit. Glad I bumped onto you here!
I've been using the "meat suit" phrase for a while now too. I'm a deist I suppose, but my god is energy. There's no mystery to it, I don't have to have a control system around me to believe in it, and no money is stolen from me to support the idea. Oh, it's a religion based on reason too, so that always helps.
Having said all that, we are a soul with a meat suit.
Do souls have gender? Nope. Energy does not. That's what we are. The only reason humans focus so much on gender is because we need to have sex to continue our species. What if that were no longer needed though? Would we focus on gender so much? It's a valid topic to discuss. Love is separate from sex after all. What happens when sex is no longer needed?
I think souls still have a masculine/feminine energy composition... but it's much more nicely blended than in 3d.... if sex is no longer needed, I think then humans would have finally transcended their physical constraints...
I agree that most people lean to one side the most, but there's a bit of yin and yang going on. Biologically, our meat suits are capable of developing into either gender too. Men have nipples for what reason exactly? We start out as the female form. There seems to be a lot of gray area even though genetically we are programmed to develop into one or the other gender...usually. Even there there are exceptions.
Sex won't be needed, but we'll still have it for pleasure, right?
That's the hope transcendence wise. Well, no. I'm not sure about that really. There's something magical about physical touch. Maybe I'd be okay leaving it behind, but something tells me I would miss it. Change from one meat suit to another? Now that would be pretty cool.
Really enjoyed this piece. Love the meat suit idea!! Have you come across the work of Tom Campbell?
Nope... I'll put him on the list of people to check out, thanks!
Yes, no need to be proud of your meat suite...we all have them. :) Well put.
Hi D, I agree we've tackled pretty much the same topic from very different angles. The difference between 'who' and 'what' in terms of identity is indeed the core of the problem - the who is a secure inner contact with the reality of the present moment (the only place reality can ever be), and so insecurity has no place to breathe. The what is a social construct, inevitably outside the living moment, and so has no choice but permanent insecurity. Your analysis is quite correct, there can be no real peace, happiness or sense of reality that ever lasts from resting personal identity in 'what' I am - fixed ideas - it must reside in 'who' - the process. Thanks for the offering and unique perspective, it is an important subject. Db
I enjoyed your take on identity. By the way I've been toying with the idea that males are like program language and females are like compilers that take in programming language and create programs out of it! Been trying to read the Blue Dragon! Chuckle.