Superb post @sauravrungta!
Indeed we are a bunch of molecules that I can say are "dancing" -vibrating pushing and atracting matter. Same thing happens on a bigger scale as well and we see this beautifull constelations ans begin to wonder:
Your post reminded me of another story: The story of Jonah and the whale where he starts to see that he is actually inside the belly of a whale.
He trys to escape it by stabbing the whale in the belly.
Jonah manages to cut the belly of the giant whale just to find out that the previous whale was swallowed by a bigger whale...Uppon seeing this he commits suicide.
But I don't think the same for us ...because as a race we will evolve and learn more and more and we will be closer and closer to the stars.
Again thanks for beautifull post @sauravrungt, now I want more so I followed you, read you soon !
thank you for your kind words and for reading the post! :)
P.S. Can't wait to get closer to the stars :D