
You said you disagree with giving people equal credit on certain things. Is that what you mean? That you don't give credit to a concept of god to someone who has it?

What about a concept of freedom? Do you have one? What, if some one elses concept about it is not aligned to yours? How do you create consensus with this person?

Concepts are not the same as definitive statements.

Sure about that?
What lives behind a statement? Does it come out of nowhere?

Yes, I am sure about that. Saying "God exists" as a definitive statement as in "There is a Man in the Sky that Floods the Earth and Laughs At Cancer" is untrue and not on equal footing with "2+2=4"

who does believe that anyway in the sense of a personalized God? Do you know people in person close to you who do so?

Christians believe that.

I am a Christian but I don't. I'd assume most christians long dropped that belief in a personalized god-figure. I's outdated. To what do you actually refer then? To definitive statements? Have you ever committed a definitive statement and some one else pointed that out to you?