Check out this post I made yesterday, and this one I made 16 days ago. Both touch a certain topic I'm very passionate about and that you seem to feel strongly towards as well. The topic is the inability we have to forego our natural impulses. We are tied to a myriad of forces that push us around and even if we notice them, we are unable to walk freely.
We may choose which forces to heed, which to avoid, and put some pressure toward one direction, but really, there is nothing we can do apart from that. We are slaves to nature and, as much as we want to believe that consciousness is some otherworldly ability to escape these forces, they're just a part of them. As @alejandromata said in yesterday's posts: we only notice that thoughts happened after the fact.
I regret having extended so much in a comment, but its publication made me think. Greetings.
Don't regret that!
No! Extend as much as you want. I'll always read it and I feel that it's an awesome way to interact. I can only wish that most of my commenters didn't hold back and just exploded with their thoughts down here. I confess that it's one of my greatest pleasures on Steemit to read what people have to say about these questions and about my posts.