
There is not enough incentive to flag. That's why we are drowning in copypasta.

Exactly, negative voting suffers from tragedy of the commons. No one has incentive to do it unless they are willing to be a sacrificial lamb and take a bullet for everyone else. This is why I am not worried about it being abused.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

On the topic of flagging.. what was wrong with my post @r4fken haha

If negative or down votes were allowed, I wonder how many would actually use the feature constructively? Especially if it reduced the payment of the author. Humans being human, it's easy to imagine a person getting angry at how his point of view was being received and downvoting those who disagreed with him. I also think very few people would downvote anyone with significant SP out of fear of retaliation. I guess the real question is, what appropriate criteria should be used for negative voting? I agree that it's needed in order to have a balanced feedback system. But how to best implement it so that it's constructive and not abused?