Ugh..... I know. How long do we hang onto hope though? It's been a growing sense of frustration for awhile, and the next thing that comes us as a hard fork proposal.... Change in voting power.
Can't...... I just can't.
Ugh..... I know. How long do we hang onto hope though? It's been a growing sense of frustration for awhile, and the next thing that comes us as a hard fork proposal.... Change in voting power.
Can't...... I just can't.
I think part of the problem is that things appear to move much more quickly in the crypto world so it gives the impression that things are progressing very slowly. Facebook took years to become decent and then a few more years to become complete crap. The point is Steemit is only 3 months old.
Well for starters we could wait until it is officially out of Beta!...