Today I thought I should share my perspective as it relates to results and focusing on them. I do believe in a life of service and I also feel that we are all required to define and uphold our own moral standards. I feel that focusing on results implies that I have an agenda from the start. I try not to focus on anything too much if I'm being honest, because then I just overthink things, but I do take time to consider my intentions and why I do things. I feel that the point of all needs and wants or desires is about finding balance and not being controlled by our own inability to control ourselves or the world.
To give some context to this perspective, I believe in sharing of my time and efforts freely with others. I don't do it because I expect anything at all for it. I also don't reject kindness or positivity that comes back to me, but that took a lot of work on my own self worth. I feel that if we are responsible for our well-being and mindful of our own actions first and foremost, then we are able to give of ourselves freely to others and need nothing in return. Desires and wants are not bad, but we can't and shouldn't be living at the mercy of our own desires, that's obsession. For example, if I am only helping others because I need the validation of them telling me that I am a good person or that I am a nice guy, it's because I don't believe that myself.
A focus on results and having an agenda implies that I need something that I am not currently able to give myself. If I am able to know at my core that we are all one, then anything I give or take from another is just a mutual exchange from the greater whole. Balance is giving as much as I take and not having expectations of what I receive in return. I don't go around looking for rich men to fall so I can help them up in hopes of getting something from them. I don't say nice things to anyone in hopes that they say nice things back. I don't help others with the expectations that they are going to help me when I need it in the future. Understanding that we are all one implies that these things occur naturally and that we get what we give. This is fundamental to Law of Attraction as well.
Law of Attraction doesn't focus on results either at it's base level. It's about knowing that life is a game of give and take and not worrying about what either of those things looks like or trying to define them. If I feel compelled to do something, it's because I feel it and it isn't about making something happen. If I want love then I love everyone and myself and trust that love finds its' way back to me. If I want money then I give that freely as well to those that need it and know that it will find its' way back to me when I need it. Being results oriented to me is just another facet of victim mentality. It's looking for something or someone to blame when we don't get what we want out of life. The truth I've found is that we always get what we want one way or another if we stop worrying about what it is or how it comes to us. Namaste.
your perspective, as always is refreshing and spot on. any time we have a should in an activity it places an expectation that we should behave in a certain way, which changes our attitude. I like how you think clayman.
Great post, I enjoyed reading! Upvoted :)
I actually think the Law of attraction is a positive thing but in a psychological way. I write about it in my new post, I think you will like it!
Hey, i love your life view :D I wish that everyone would think like you.. Honest and caring human beings, that's what the world needs :D
I just let the world take care of itself and try to do what feels right to me. We all have our parts to play. Thank you for the encouragement!
Totally agree with this. By focusing on results, you are focusing on the thing that you cannot control vs. the thing that you can (i.e. the effort).
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Wow, this is somehow a dream come true after all these years envisioning it coming to our everyday world.
I votes you post plase vote my post thank you
Thanks a lot for sharing, great job as always,
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