The Seven Principles

in #philosophy7 years ago

The Kybalion is based heavily on Hermetic philosophies and many, like myself, find them as a useful way of understanding, interpreting, and engaging with the world around us. The Seven Principles it teaches offer perspective teaching that aligns with many religions philosophically, but I tend to think of these principles as a way to understand alchemy and how your mind influences everything that you feel about what happens in your life. As a believer in the Universal Law of Attraction, these principles are a fundamental part of my thinking now and hopefully you find some wisdom or guidance in them and I interpret them adequately.

1.) Principle of Mentalism

I consider "Mentalism" a fundamental component to everything that has ever happened in my life, is happening, or will happen in the future. I don't believe we control what comes to us per say, but how we choose to think about the things that come into our lives is what makes the difference. If we attract things on the same frequency as us, which I believe we do, then we must accept that there is a gift in everything that comes into our life. The gift may be a lesson that we didn't know we wanted or needed, but it's still something that helps us to become the best version of our self if we embrace it and learn everything we can from it. Think positively and embrace change and you get positive change.

2.) Principle of Correspondence

"Correspondence" is a fundamental building black in many religions and a necessary component to have faith of any kind. In essence, if we align ourselves with our "higher self," the true authentic being we are at our core, then we live our true authentic life purpose and follow the path to becoming the best possible version of ourselves. As above, so below, what is internal matches what is external, and in essence what we think and hold true becomes our reality.

3.) Principle of Vibration

The principle of vibration is probably one of the more complicated principles of the seven. I explain it and understand it like so: We are all energy. Everything is energy at its' core. Energy is never created and it never goes away, it simply is and always will be. If we push a ball it rolls until counteracted by another energetic source such as friction or gravity. Vibration is the frequency at which that energy is resonating. If we maintain a high or positive energetic frequency, then in conjunction with the other laws, we attract things on that same frequency. If we have a low or negative energetic frequency, then we are attracting lower frequency lessons, which are usually the less pleasant and harder learned lessons. Our thoughts control our vibration frequency.

4.) Principle of Polarity

Polarity is probably the hardest to grasp and then the most obvious if the Law of Attraction is embraced. Polarity is the understanding that for everything that is there is also an opposite. I think the easiest polarity to know and feel in our own lives is love and fear. They both exist and are opposites. If we choose to manipulate our environment and mind through fear, we have a negative frequency. If we choose to manipulate our own mind and environment through love, we have a positive frequency. There is never a state where these two things do not both exist, but how we choose to process them alters our frequency. I process my fears in my own mind and do my best to release positive loving energy instead of acting on fear.

5.) Principle of Rhythm

Rhythm is the principle of eb and flow, push and pull, and fundamental to the Law of Attraction. It's fundamental to the ability to understand what attracts and what repels. If everything is energy, we cycle through attracting and repelling each other through our thoughts and actions. It's why you can't love someone completely if you don't love yourself completely. The absence of love is fear. If you don't love yourself then you fear yourself due to polarity.

6.) Principle of Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect is pretty fundamental to even the most basic human thought processes. Understanding that doing something makes something happen and that there is a chain of events is pretty easy. The main issue is that most people don't take the time to consider the effects they are causing when they do things. For example, you punch a stranger and they are now fearful of others and there are numerous ways you have negatively impacted another person's existence. If you smile at a stranger, you may have the opposite effect! They may have a much happier disposition and positively impact others lives. We reap what we sow.

7.) Principle of Gender

Personally I found this one easier to embrace than it will probably sound. The Principle of Gender is the understanding that duality or polarity means that everything exists in a "gender" state. It doesn't have anything to do with biological sex. It's about the positive and negative existence and realizing that for harmony to exist we have to balance our positive and negative extremes. It's not saying one sex is positive and the other is negative per say, but it's saying that positivity and negativity are essentially the "gender" of energy and relate to polarity. It's one of the reasons that a perfectly balanced mind can often feel "asexual" in nature. If we are able to manifest what we need and be at peace with ourselves, we still attract others on the same frequency, but we don't "need" them so much as we "want" them.

I hope my interpretations of the Principles will help some out there understand them more easily or perhaps just allow for additional perspective of how they work. I'd be happy to hear how your perspective of these principles differs or however you feel about them. I realize that my beliefs don't necessarily align with everyone's identically and that is what makes us unique. Best wishes everyone. Namaste.


For anyone that wants to go deeper with this very excellent wisdom

I like learning from everything and finding my own truth in the teachings. I'm a philosophical mutt.

Trivium = Intake diverse sources of information; process and eliminate incorrect information, output truth!

love it!

The Trivium has been very helpful for me, well worth looking into if one is into learning more efficiently.

i have submitted this to esoteric trails discord to check out Id like to see you there @clayboyn had no clue you were into this knowledge!

Dude, I'm like the white Jay-Z that can rap better. I been winning so long, it is alchemy! No likes about it.

We are ready to bring you home @clayboyn and your white jay-z self Alchemy needs to be loved on here just as much as anything else on this website

I'm following u for that comment.ha
good post too

Really good article. I've been thinking a lot about so much woth what you said above and a lot of it hits home. These principals really do have an impact on your life.

"As above, so below. As within, so without"

This principle alone has helped ne manisfest the nost winderful things in my life.

As I grow older the I understand the importance of masculine and feminine. Tbe polarities of existence. Yin, yang. Shakti and shiva. The devine powers of the cosmos.

The I Ching has helped me understand the eb and flow. The timewave.

Looking forward to seeing more of your content in my feed!

Thank you for the great feedback!

thank you for this clear and useful post! I didn't know about the kybalion but I'm quite familiar with all these principles. How would you differentiate the principle of polarity and the principle of gender? it's not that clear to me. This question arises as we are under the gemini influence these days.. the sign of polarity.. ;) thank you for your kind help. peace

I consider Polarity to be a more mechanical way of describing the Principle while gender describes a more emotional or archetypal quality of the same Principle. Different ways of perceiving the same Truth perhaps.

ok i see. different prism... thank you for your help!

Fantastic post, @clayboyn! I highly appreciate you sharing this with the community. I personally have a slightly different innerstanding of a few of the Principles, but whatever works best for you continue working it. :)

You've got my upvote, resteem, and follow! Looking forward to more of your posts.

I'm following you now as well. Glad to meet more like-minded travelers of life!

I found this read very fascinating! Much of it already has a place in my personal belief system. Positive energy, vibration, and law of attraction - I picked up on these truths from other sources but they lacked context. This list of seven principles feels like I am actually seeing the larger picture. Very well written and easy to understand :)

Fascinating stuff, even if half of it is over my head.

Hi there - love the post, and have read this book many times :-) I'm new to steemit, and have done some long hermetic retreats. I recently just did a post about the Polarity Principle. Hope you can be in touch, and I'm happy to see this sort of content on steemit :-)

Every people have been practice in their lives

These principles described in the Kyballion are an interesting way to view our experience of reality. Something about some of these older views of the non-physical world really interest me, thanks for the interesting read.

I want to wish you well as you search for truth and enlightenment.

Thanks for sharing your findings and being transparent about your journey to find truth.

Truth, the ultimate perspective based limitation of reality. I don't even want to know the whole truth anymore. It's such a tangled web. I will know my truth and trust others to know their truth. :)

Very well said and I hope you find peace and contentment as a result of that conclusion. Have a blessed night! @clayboyn

Really interesting post, @clayboyn. I resonate most with the principle of correspondence. While anyone and everyone has the capacity to experience their true inner self, I think it is fairly rare in our world today. So many are caught up in their ambitions and pursuits, the busyness in their lives, the image they want to project - that they do not take the time to reflect within. Authenticity, vulnerability, and courage are required to draw out our true inner self.

This connects a lot with a post I shared the other day on what it means to live in the present moment:

By the way, are you one of the curators for SteemTrail? If so, are you ever on Discord? I have a few questions for you, as I'm interested in participating and helping out. Namaste!

You should try to steemchat or joining their discord channel. I was asked to participate, so I'm not really sure how it happens other than they were interested in my posts and comments.

Very interesting and nice summarization of Kybalion, thank you sir!

I started thinking about getting into this book after listening to Terrence Mckenna talk about hermeticism, fascinating stuff !

I like the idea about not trying to control by rather thinking about things differently, powerful idea right there.

Thanks and cya around

thank you so much for this simple modern easy to understand lesson. I have been struggling with these a long time. I have some understanding but you definitely helped me to identify them in my own experience. @clayboyn

Glad to be of service!

One thing that helps with the Kybalion is to be in nature in silence.....and then draw each of the principles ;-)

to sit under a tree silently and then draw each one with a pencil and paper? Please give an example. I live in the city so I hardly ever can get into nature @waykiwayki

As always great post with good content
Thanks mate for sharing
have a great day