I want to discuss something today that comes up in the comments or in private chats on Discord sometimes. I don't believe in the concept of spiritual leaders and I reject religion entirely. This comes up sometimes because people will tell me that I am very knowledgeable on something or have wisdom on a subject and while I don't really agree or disagree to any great extent with those statements, I feel like it is inherently a way that we as a species have learned to give our own power away and it doesn't really resonate with me. I'll explain why I feel that way today and my thoughts on spirituality as a whole.

I was raised into Catholicism and had to go through the whole Act of Confirmation and all of that nonsense because my mother had done all of that as a child and felt it was important. The whole concept that any god makes a decision on whether or not you go to heaven or hell based on some ritual is fundamentally insane to me. It never made sense to me and I stopped going to church as soon as I was old enough to work. If anything my experiences with the Catholic church and all of it's hypocrisy drove me away from religions as a whole and I have to appreciate it for that, but it did lead to a situation where I was thirty years old before exploring my own spirituality.
While going through all of the initiation rituals associated with the Catholic church I was required to learn something they call "apologetics," which are quite simply tactics that are used to attack another person's beliefs to support the idea that the Catholic church is the only true and correct church. One good thing came out of this practice though, I was required to study other religions and learn different aspects of their philosophies. While none of them really felt right to me, it was interesting to see how starkly people can disagree on the core details. I learned quite a bit about religions through this practice and ultimately it led me to the decision that I reject any organized religion or anyone trying to tell another person how to go about having their own spiritual experience.

I feel that spiritual experience on the whole is very subjective and abstract. Anyone trying to tell another person that it has to happen a certain way or that there is any structure, rhyme, or reason to it needs a big lesson in humility and needs to fundamentally understand that there is no one correct way to have a spiritual experience. It's quite easy to view religion as the earliest form of governance as it feels the need to spread its' doctrine and convert or disregard non-believers. Spirituality on the other hand can lead to the desire to share perspective, but there is no need to make another person agree to have the same experience in the same way as we did, because it's all subjective. There is no clearly defined structure or ritual to mark a completion point. There is no need for agreement or acceptance, because it is our own experience.
This leads me back to the concept of gurus or leaders. It's become clear to me that spirituality is something that some people do seek out and when they like what another is doing or resonate with what they are saying, it becomes second nature to look towards them as someone to gain some knowledge or wisdom from. One of the reasons I liked Alan Watts so much is because his views on this resonated so closely with my own, but I can't view him as some guru or teacher. We can only be our own "guru" because who makes the decision to agree or disagree with what someone else has to say about a topic. Who is the one choosing the other person to follow out of all the other humans in existence. The answers are ultimately within ourselves and looking external for anything besides inspiration is just giving away our own power. If anyone is a guru, we all are gurus, and some of us are just more aware of that fact than others. Hopefully that makes sense. Namaste.
IMHO a true guru/spiritual guide/leader, is not a leader. ie not dogmatic.
They are helpers who encourage you to find your own way.They can help share what has worked for others and them self. They encourage you to find your own path. Give U R Understanding.
Not do this, believe this or suffer.because that's what we say!
Well said Jesse.
These are my thoughts on religion and spirituality almost exactly. I was never able to put them into such words....so thank you! Most of the people in my life who actually cared about my religious beliefs...would make me feel ashamed for believing in these things and I gave up trying to explain why they felt right and more honest and true than any organized religion. I don't let them do that anymore...and feel peace with my choice to follow my instincts. Fundamentally insane is how I view pretty much any reference to heaven or hell...and the dogma of so many twisted words.
The "spelling" of the words. Language and the ways people twist and manipulate it to suit their own purposes or justify their own means is its' own insanity. Thanks for reading!
Brilliantly said. Both of you. Resteemed of course. Perhaps I should stop calling you philosopher ... Nah it's different to guru. Sharing your ideas is not the same as applying them to the lives of others.
Steem on Steemit philosopher.
You will always be the steemit philosopher to me.
Like a page out of my nightmare! lol
Being called a heretic at a very young age, for having asked questions or broached inconvenient topics sent me searching in a number of ways, too.
I have had to keep myself around people who do not dogmatize themselves onto others, because of how negatively impacted I was by people forcing the agenda of their brand of God/beLIEf systems.
I think that is possibly why I was able to finally come to terms with my own inquiry into self. I am an evangelist for taking that trip to revisit the ways we've been as a form of expansion, versus the outward solicitation for spirit "to come."
The inner witness is the child who faced it and lived to tell. Exploring the journey is often a richer spiritual experience (for me) than the externalization of a process to achieve some state defined by others.
Agreed, there is a lot of judgment and expectations associated with religious communities which is what led me away from them. Don't question the status quo. Do what you're told. Reminds me way too much of the government and fear based control tactics.
Two sides of the same parenting machine, if you ask me, amigo!
we were not allowed to dance as children due to the belief system (unnamed as I am not trying to point fingers) guess what we danced anyway ..LOL
As a practicing Catholic, I can appreciate the views you expressed here although I never really felt the same pressure to adhere to specifics of the religious rituals in order to achieve salvation. I may be the exception, but I have always regarded priests and teachers in the church as humans with no greater amount of divinity than that of my own. In that aspect, I suppose that I have always considered myself my own guru. I listen to the teachings of the church and interpret them based on my own ability to understand the message. The church could never make me do anything that would go against that interpretation nor could it ever stunt my growth. Each of us has to take responsibility for our own actions and understanding. Yes, we must be our own guru. Thanks for the thought provoking post.
I'm glad to hear that not everyone has the same experience with the Catholic church. We do all have to be our own guru in the end though, or else we're just being manipulated by someone else.
I pretty much grew up in a non-religious household. Religion neither was, nor was not, part of the daily language. As a result, I pretty much found my own path, as a result of watching and listening to others and "checking in" to see what-- if any-- of theirs resonated after "trying it on."
However, I don't reject the external, because someone might have a good idea I can use, and I wouldn't want to close myself off to that possibility. However, I don't believe in Guru's... that's giving someone too much power.
Always liked the word "guru" interpreted as an acronym: "G (Gee) U (You) R (Are) U (You)"
Nice acronym! :)
It makes you think about how a lot of the motivational speakers or life coaches are seen as 'gurus' and people hang onto their every word as gospel. I believe in the concept of co-coaching where people provide support to each other as life coaches would but are on equal power and in a mutually beneficial relationships.
Makes perfect sense to me :)
I like the term co-coaching. I usually think of collaboration or co-creation, but that works too. :)
Well, it is not exactly typical of collaboration since you are working to help the other person with their own goals rather than working together on a common goal, and it is not specifically for the purpose of creating something (it could be just to get healthier). I think it combines the benefit of having some accountability plus the feel good factor of helping someone.
If you are interested, here's the short post I wrote about it a while back: https://steemit.com/life/@plushzilla/you-don-t-need-a-life-coach-but-you-should-try-to-co-coach-in-life
I'll give it a read.
what's the difference between 'spiritual' and drunk?
both deal with 'spirits'...just wondering..
What's the difference between religions and governments? Perception.
Another recovered ex-catholic over here! Way to go!
I am more favorable of religion than you are though. I think there is a lot of wisdom to be shared among human beings, and religion is one of the ways that we can share that wisdom.
That said - when people get caught up in symbols that they don't understand, or that they expect to do something for them, this is not very productive....
In the end, if a person says they need a guru, then they need a guru. I don't remember who said this. (Ironically, it may have been Alan Watts!) Essentially, if a person thinks that they need a guide, and needs hand holding, then they need one.
If a person says that they do not need a guide or a teacher, they will go about their life looking for what they need as they need it. They do not need a teacher in that case.
I think that people who feel they need teachers may just not know how to do certain work on their own. That is ok. It is hard work to do.
The really dangerous thing about gurus is that they can be very abusive of people that trust them. I have seen this personally, and it truly disgusts me. But that is a different topic for a different day!
Thanks for a nice thought.
I like how you put your thoughts about religion. My problem isn't with guiding people in faith, it's all the expectations and assumptions that come with that. Then the tithe or taxation on top of that. Even governments haven't figured out how to beat religions at this point so they create an overlap of the whole "taxation for protection" concept. One protects your soul and the other your body... for a cost of course. It's all kind of comical to me.
Ah yes. Definitely a problem. It does cost money to guide people though. Buildings, retreat centers, ceremonies, musicians, incense, books, whatever, they all cost money. And the spiritual guides themselves need to eat somehow... Of course it could all be by donation.... I just hate when donations are extracted via guilt or fear mongering......
Really, so much of society is built upon fear as opposed to co-creation, support, and love. Its time for a new paradigm for sure....
Thanks for your thought-provoking article.
My view on this is that spiritual truth transcends all religious systems and concepts but since this kind of truth is beyond the realm of the ordinary, usually we need to have some kind of entrance, a door, a structure to approach the extraordinary.
Since all kinds of methods and instructions are still within the domain of words and concepts, this can only serve as an orientation or signpost pointing to the real thing.
In this way, a spiritual system and compassionate teacher can still be helpful.
I believe that guidance and people playing the "teacher role" are both useful. I just don't believe the self importance or elevated status that people try to put on the people playing their part in that process is warranted or necessary. Just seems manipulative.
there is wisdom in what you have written. I am not a member of any religion or cult, etc. In the end, we are all a part of the one. People create wars because of the man-made dogma we call religion (re-legion)I agree with you @clayboyn
I am not against anyone's religion or thoughts as long as they harm no one. Everyone is here for their own path.
Great post and a good resteem.
spot on summation by Clay. "and that explains me..."
Well said! Resteemed.
Spiritual personalities can not ignored. These are are realities
Khoti da phal changa Kam napi wata hain