Here and Now

in #philosophy7 years ago


I was pondering some abstract concepts last night and spent some time thinking on the concept of how we exist. It's seems clear to me that we only exist in the moment and getting out of my own head space and not focusing on the past or future just reinforces that awareness. This present and aware space is the perspective that I feel people are referring to when they discuss things like awakening and expanding consciousness. I often wonder why so many people write about or discuss these things in so many different ways and words and today I'll share my perspective on that.

Being in the present moment and just going with the flow of existence, we all seem to describe the same basic concept of interconnected energetic existence. Many people having the same experience even if we don't have tools to measure it or a firm understanding of how it works is surely relevant. If we look throughout history, we can see many cultures and societies practiced and cultivated this awareness and consciousness without all of the technologies, pharmaceuticals, or distractions we have today. Many cultures even used hallucinogens as part of their spiritual ceremonies or rights of passage into adulthood. It's certainly something to ponder on why we moved away from this or were led away from these types of rituals and rights of passage over time.


Regardless of what triggers this spiritual awakening or expanded awareness of our consciousness, it's seems clear beyond any doubt to me that there are many of us trying to describe and understand the same thing. It's from this perspective and the further it grows that many of us also seem to come to the same conclusion that people have this experience if they want to or when they are ready to have it. There is no waking someone else up in this sense. If you've ever seen the movie "The Matrix," then you may remember a scene where Morpheus offers Neo the red pill or the blue pill. It's easy to think that the pill is what caused Neo to pull out of the "matrix," but consider this, ultimately the pill had nothing to do with it as the choice that he made to wake up led to everything that happened after that.

I believe that it's this understanding and my admitted fatalist view of existence that allow me to experience things like synchronicity and I'll often tell people that everything happens for a reason. I feel that these concepts are only really visible from a "present" or "awakened" perspective though. It leads to a lot of push back and resistance from those that don't see things the same way and I can understand that. When we're lost in a moment and focused heavily on something we perceive as negative that has happened, we can't detach from that experience enough to see the bigger picture and understand that things happening lead to other things happening later and it's easy to get caught up in the victim mentality and feel that we're being punished or treated unfairly.


In this present state of awareness and with enough detachment to see that we are all part of some greater connected force or energy, whatever you want to call it, I feel that I've come to the conclusion that everything that has ever happened is in some way what I wanted even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. For instance, let's say I wanted to have this "awakening" experience in this lifetime, but in order for that to happen under the current conditions in my society and environment, I had to go through some serious shit that fundamentally broke down every concept of who I thought I was to simply make me who I am. I can't really have it both ways, I can't be the victim that things happened to and the one that wanted to be who I am if those events are part of what makes me who I am.

It's from this perspective that I can see that even though there were many hurdles on the path to where I currently am, they don't define me or control me, they are simply the path that lead me to this moment. Who I am in this moment is the only self that I can ever really be or I'm just lost in the past punishing myself or living in a world of illusions and expectations of the future and setting myself up for disappointment. As much as I've tried to convince myself in the past that I wanted to know what comes next or to have some grand plan for my life, the more aware of the present I am, the more I realize how boring that would actually be. If we're all just a limited perspective of a greater energetic consciousness or "god," it seems from my perspective that the game we're really playing is remembering what it feels like to not be the one in charge. You can't surprise yourself if you are aware of what you're planning can you? Perhaps we're all just seeking the wonder of what it's like to experience not knowing what comes next. Namaste.

Image source: 1 , 2 , 3


"In this present state of awareness and with enough detachment to see that we are all part of some greater connected force or energy, whatever you want to call it, I feel that I've come to the conclusion that everything that has ever happened is in some way what I wanted even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. "

^^^^ This, very much
Similarly, I feel like I/we are faced with exactly those trials and pitfalls which are the most challenging to us and almost seem like they were orchestrated just because they are the perfect storm for our little selves. Worst fears and nightmares can come true, almost as if they were always meant to be.

Lately, I feel a lot more in sync with the universe. We used to fight, now we get along.

lol, I know that feeling and I'm glad the universe is treating you well. :)

It's for the first time in a looooooong time... It's a mindfuck when things suddenly go right after you're using to things going all wrong!

I had the most fun reading this to @rok-sivante's new song, Sylk...

It was on while read your post and it flowed so well. So, I nominate it as a soundtrack for this post!

Works for me, I like to catch @rok-sivante's posts when I get a chance, I'm usually so focused on new and small accounts for curation I forget to check in on the big guys. He and doitvoluntarily are some of my favs.

@clayboyn, you da man.

And I'm going to check out @doitvoluntarily, thanks for the lead.

I had to go through some serious shit that fundamentally broke down every concept of who I thought I was to simply make me who I am.

Mmmm, the good ole Calcination! Fire tears through a forest only for a new forest to be born of the ashes as a pheonix takes to the skies from its own smoldering embers.

Great post:)

:) Thanks and glad to hear from you buddy. Hope all is well!

Of course:)

Things are getting better. Been super busy but I'm trying to get back to communicating with the community again. Hope things have been well for you too:)

That was pretty well written. Existence (in the moment) and purpose (of existence) are hard topics to talk about because they're paradoxical in the sense that there is a relative perspective and an absolute perspective to their validity. Very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing!

I think you're right when writing "living in a world of illusions and expectations of the future and setting myself up for disappointment."

When I read your writings in general I recognize the search you're in as the same as mine. Yes, yours is different, but it resonates.

I think in our times mankind is on a search. The old systems no longer work and we're very much aware of it, being in denial at the same time.

We call ourselves 'awake'... But are we?

We seem to be stuck between the old and the new. We sense the new, but we're not sure what it is. We're not awake yet, we're waking up...

It's like waking up from a vivid dream, we got a vision, but we're not sure what it was, we're not sure how we got there, but we know it's true and new.

Now how do we go from here? Namaste!

Where do we go from here? I guess wherever we're meant to go. :) Thanks for checking it out.

Adyashanti says something along the lines of: Every moment of our lives is part of the spiritual path.

Somteimtes I think about things in my past that I might want to change, but nothing ever jumps out at me. Sure I've made mistakes and been embarassed, but They made me who I am now, they revealed things about myself that I was afraid to show, or uncomfortable with, and allowed me to overcome them.

And hitting on the part about past cultures using plant medicine tfor spiritual growth: that's exactly how I had my first taste of awakening. I was pretty apathetic in regards to life before that, but aftwerwards it spurred me to seek out and discover truth for myself. It showed me that we really don't have as much of a handle on how things are working and why.

We claim to know almost everything there is to know about things like nature, physics, the human body, etc, but all that is is knowledge, there is no intimate knowing like you can find when you open yourself up to the reality of the present moment. Everything else is just imaginings and dreamings in the mind, even memories.

Love the content, followed

Glad you enjoyed the post and I loved your input! Thanks for checking out the post and sharing.

Very well put. I've never really looked at that scene in "The Matrix" from that perspective. I absolutely agree with everything you said. Eckhart Tolle says the evolution of consciousness is from a state of unconscious perfection to conscious perfection. Therefore, life is intrinsically perfect, the more present and aware we become the more we realize this perfection and align with it. Namaste.