Multidimensional Entities, Spiritual Crisis, The Human Condition & Healing

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)


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Science already understands that everything is made up of energy. We are experimenting with giant Quantum field D-Wave computer systems, blasting neutrinos at CERN, playing around with particles and producing alternative energy by manipulating plasma and electromagnetic energy. All of these connect with the Aetheric field and the different types of Aether forms.

All these energies relate to one another, it's not easy finding books on the Aether science as it is a repressed knowledge, the Aetheric field is the fabric of all existence, it flows through animate and inanimate objects, is a channel for consciousness, it can be used to create zero point energy systems if it is understood in great depth, this is what Nikola Tesla achieved with the Aether, and Wilhelm Reich discovered its healing properties, its other names are Orgone, Chi, Prana, Kundalini, or Plasma Energy, it is the fabric of the spiritual dimensions, as well as this world, it is a bridge between this reality and the multidimensional highway into our being from the spirit world.

This is energetic ecology, the energetic ecology of the internal body is profoundly connected to the energetic ecology of the earth and universe. Kind of like the way the Earth's ecosystems interact within nature, if there is an energetic imbalance, it affects the entire biochemistry of the body and mind, therefore it is important to focus on healing the body in order to heal the mind. Whether or not you see yourself as a spiritual being, whether or not you believe in God, or Good and Evil, or if Science is your God, healing from negative thoughts, negative energies, anxiety, depression, it is a process you have to approach holistically in order to achieve the best results. Science is starting to acknowledge that negative energies and entities indeed cannot be disproved, everything is made up of positive or negative energy, we indeed exist in a realm of polarities. We can see it in terms of light, since star light is part of the ingredients that shapes the fabric of the universe into the fabric of being and life, it is even written in ancient Gnostic scriptures that entities can inhabit the human body without our awareness, and control our thoughts and feed off of our emotional energy and mental energy.

In my experiences over the last few years, leading up to a major opertion and lengthy recovery thereafter, I know that negative parasitic entities in the aetheric or multidimensional realm exist, whatever their purpose, I think it's just part of this complex reality, more like a disruptive addition to our human condition, an app for a specific purpose in this illusory existence, created perhaps by those fallen angels or dark spirits which are written about in every ancient religious text, beings that wanted to keep humanity in slavery and repress our consciousness.


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This is what brought me to become interested in the Nag Hamadi, the Gnostic teachings and why I find them so intriguing, the same correlations of this story exist in the work of Paul Levity's book 'Dispelling Wetiko', that is what the source of the wetiko is. One could speculate that humans were once originally pure cosmic beings, that were later engineered, given language to carry out tasks and as we use this coded lense, it acts as a filter and builds our illusionary reality.

Some unfortunate subjects can become permenantly possessed by various parasitic entities and others battle the entities on and off, we are all subject to these entities, no one is free of them permenantly, noone can escape their parasitisism, but we can protect ourselves and cleanse ourselves to be as balanced as possible. The Gnostics knew this, they tried to explain it in their texts to people, and the persecution reigned on them for telling the truth almost destroyed that truth, thank goodness for the Nag Hamadi scriptures.


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An article titled ''As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession'', was published in the Washington Post, in July, this year by Dr. Richard Gallager, who courageously discussed that Possession does exist, despite being a prominent academic figure in the world of psychiatry on the board of Clincial Psychiatry at New York Medical College, he has worked with priests over the last 30 years on cases that involved possession. He describes some of these special cases as “He or she might demonstrate hidden knowledge of all sorts of things, like how a stranger’s loved ones died, what secret sins they has committed, even where people are at a given moment. These are skills that cannot be explained except by special psychic or preternatural ability.”

Most of the people Dr. Gallagher evaluates in this role suffer from the more prosaic problems of a medical disorder. ''Anyone even faintly familiar with mental illnesses knows that individuals who think they are being attacked by malign spirits are generally experiencing nothing of the sort. Practitioners see psychotic patients all the time who claim to see or hear demons; histrionic or highly suggestible individuals, such as those suffering from dissociative identity syndromes; and patients with personality disorders who are prone to misinterpret destructive feelings, in what exorcists sometimes call a pseudo-possession, via the defense mechanism of an externalizing projection. But what am I supposed to make of patients who unexpectedly start speaking perfect Latin? ¨ Dr. Richard Gallagher explains many unusual cases he has witnessed who have demonstrated phenomenal skills and abilities that they never originally had studied, he is currently working on a book on this subject. ´´I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners nowadays who are open to entertaining such hypotheses. Many believe exactly what I do, though they may be reluctant to speak out.´´. – Richard Gallagher, M.D.

In the article he goes on to explain that more and more cases are appearing each year and many priests specialized in exorcisms are in increasing demand.


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In Ancient Eastern religious texts and ancient Chinese Medicine it is acknowledged how negative energies can infect the human spirit and mind, in the Quran, negative spirits are referred to as Jin, its accepted that they can contaminate human thoughts and the heart. If you have traveled to parts of Asia such as Thailand, you will discover the Thai people have shrines everywhere, usually placed outside their houses or business locations, because of their belief in these negative and positive energies that can affect human consciousness. the shrines or spirit houses are created as a place that attracts the energies so they can reside there instead of invading the homes of people. The Native Americans have their way of cleansing people and places of these energies with burning sage, using crystals, dancing , drumming and singing rituals, in Ecuador and Peru various indigenous people practice limpiesas, cleaning a person of bad energy or mal aire by cleansing them with bundles of different fresh herbs and various scented waters, cleaning the entry and exit points on a persons, especially the forehead, the back of the neck and the base of the spine and the navel.

In Western culture some extreme forms of mental illness psychologists find the most challenging to treat, such as bi-polar, psychosis and schizophrenia, are seen by indigenous shaman as different states of consciousness while being infected with these multidimensional negative beings or viruses in the human psyche, that at times can only be explained by the world of psychiatry with those labels.

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photo author's own, making Ayahuasca medicine in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

These aspects of mental illness are viewed by the indigenous shaman as inner spiritual battles, spiritual crisis, which is why the role of the Shaman, medicine man or woman is so important, as is their ability to morph between dimensions, taking on the form of animals if they need too. Their role as the very first psychologists, counselors and doctors, they were and still are the necessary satelites of stability in indigenous communities, since the beginning of tribal hunters and gatherers and surprisingly the demand for them has become more popular today, so much so, that Westerners will go so far as to travel deep into the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon or to Asia and the land of the Buddhist Masters, or the Savanahs of Mongolia, Mountains of Nepal, and the Deserts and Sacred Rocks of the Ancient Aboriginal People to seek out genuine Medicine men that know how to traverse these worlds and help us see our selves and our own paths more clearly after being cleansed of negative energies. Plants are used in healing and cleansing rituals as well as drumming and dancing which helps cleanse the human body and spirit, this is also why music plays a huge role in elevating our mood as sound and rhythm which can heal the human body and mind and raise our vibration and consciousness to higher realms that negative energy cannot survive in.

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In my twenties when I was at art school in Cornwall, I experienced a phenomenal event that changed my perception of spirits, ghosts and entities, I witnessed a friend get possessed by a ghost in my house before my very eyes, we were drinking tea in the lounge and I already knew my house had a ghost as I shared the house with other art students and we had all experiences with this ghost at some point, when it had knocked on the lounge door, walked up and down the hallway or appeared in one of our bedrooms. I cannot remember exactly what my friend and I were discussing at the time of the incident, but the conversation did start with acknowledging this ghost, then we felt the temperature get colder and heavier, there was a presence felt in the room with us.

There was also a rusty old sword in the room that one of the housemates had recently found on the beach and it was leaning up against the wall by the window, we felt the need to leave the room, but before we left my friend went to the window and the sword fell down which he picked up and to my surprise he charged towards me with it in his hands. His face was completely different,as if it wasn't him, it was something else in there, in his body, his eyes were void, but he had a terrified look on his face as if he had lost control, as he reached me with the sword, I screamed and he dropped it. I was already running out of the house at that point, he ran out after me, I then shouted at him as to what the hell he thought he was doing and he couldn't recollect at all. But he was back fully conscious in his body again, he was very upset by what I told him had just happened, he was a good person and felt very ashamed and traumatized. We both know he was possessed briefly by the entity in this house, but neither of us were the same again after that day. That was something that totally blew my mind, as I previously believed possession was something that only happened in horror films and not in reality.


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Negative beings can work through other people to get to us too for what ever reason or agenda, depends on the individual, their ancestry, their bloodlines, their souls ancestry and their purpose in this life and how their lives are entwined with the lives of others that traces back through soul families in that persons various prior incarnations on Earth or in other dimensions. We cannot deny that a whole energetic field and record of consciousness exists, how it affects each and every one of us varies with great complexity as does how we are intertwined with others. As a practicing past life hypnotherapist, I have seen this complexity in countless clients who have done past life regressions with me because they recognize other souls with them in their past lives that are also part of their present lives.

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When we communicate with one another other, strangers or close friends, family or spouses, we don't just communicate via speech but we also communicate on an energetic field beyond our conscious level of understanding. We create connections on energetic levels and we communicate with others on those levels without words, energetically through our emotionally charged thoughts, through our souls and more powerfully through our hearts which also create energetic torriodal fields, in addition to that, our brains are electrical transmitters and receivers and we have electrical pulses running through our bodies. Energy, feeling and emotion is powerful and is a language played out by our energetic soul field which permeats our physical body. The soul's energetic field is far more expansive and if we wish we could traverse other dimensions that go beyond the perception of our limited five senses and consciousness.

So when we begin to see how this works in our own lives and other peoples, we cannot always take personally every bad deed done to us by others, and just considering the shocking acts of torture or violence carried out by some people can be explained in this abstract, socially taboo, unacceptable or forbidden way of seeing. We start to see this as part of the ecology of energy dynamics in the multidimensional field that affects human behaviour, the Virus, the Wetiko, the Archons, Parasitic Negative entities, Jin, Spirits, Demons or Ghosts, working through others that may be unaware they are being used as hosts.

The story of my friend being possessed temporarily is an extreme case, but here in my personal experiences, the ones we deal with daily unconsciously are milder parasitic entities, that do still have the ability to inhabit various aspects of what we have been led to believe as traits of human nature, or the fascets and various aspects that make up parts of the human ego, though I don't believe in killing the ego, as it is also a valuable creative force and helps us with daily survival and self protection too, we just need to keep the ego tamed and cleansed of negative energy that could use it to try and take control of our minds, influence our actions and emotions at times.

There's a film I watched recently which illustrates this human condition called ''No Shortcut to Happiness''- it tells the story of people who sell their souls to the devil to gain success, same with those who are in seats of power. The truth is stranger than fiction especially in Hollywood, where a cast of actors, cast a spell, in an attempt to control and hijack human imagination, (I Mag I Nation) .

Despite my personal insights into the dark side of the spiritual world, I have no fear of negative entities, they are just like any other parasite, worm or flea, and if you wish to remain in command that is how one must perceive them, but they exist on a multidimensional field that hooks into the human psyche and body and can at times take full control or partially control aspects of us and our behaviour. A good motivation to practice mindfulness and be healthier.


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The ancient Gnostics often reference the Archonic entities that are described in the Nag Hammadi scriptures from ancient Egypt, as inorganic entities that exist in the multidimensional realms and can enter into the human body through various openings through our energetic body, they prefer the bodies of people who have an acidic PH, they manifest extreme negative thoughts and desires and they try to maintain an environment of fear and anxiety in their hosts, it is said they thrive in people who take a lot of drugs and alcohol which results in the body becoming a more acid PH, interestingly, this is also when people are more at risk of developing cancer and autoimmune diseases.

This is why it is very important to focus on diet that alkalizes the physical body, exercise and meditate regularly, Dancing, Yoga, Athletics, Qigong and Tai Chi are powerful forms of physical and meditative energy work that help strengthen your energetic Shields and move chi around your body, cleaning out stagnant energy that are attractive to parasitic energies and keep your mind and body balanced.

Whatever you believe, if you feel that at times you are fighting your own or some one else's demons,or don't know where the negative energy is coming from, the best approach is the holistic treatments combined with meditation and counseling of some type, (for more serious cases, for example if you are constantly sick physically or having misfortune after misfortune that you cannot attribute to anything you are projecting). You will find benefits and feel far more emotionally and mentally stable when you detox on all levels and regain emotional stability and hold a space for creativity and peace and rest to maintain control of your life, we are part of a complex web of intertwined worlds, some we can see with our five senses and some we do not see but we certainly feel at times, it is all part of the mystery of being.


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We have not stopped evolving, what we are doing to our environment, we are doing to ourselves, we need to respond to this with a shift in our human understanding that the environmental crisis is an indication that human consciousness has to change, it is interesting to note that there have been an increasing demand for help with healing on these levels in this modern age where depression is declared the third health burden next to cancer and heart failure according to the World Health Organization and that 1 million people commit suicide per year.

I have learned a great deal on the spiritual level through hardships and challenges, giving a cruder truth about the multidimensional energies that feed the negative acts of humans, and that of suicidal depression, depression on all levels and why some folks look like their souls are no longer there and why others are able to live in self denial because of these entities. However, all hope is not lost, this means that powerful good beings exist too and there is an abundance of the good energies and loving beings, if one focuses on them with intent or asks them for help at the worst times as guiding lights, if one is at their weakest and most vulnerable, we can always be guided out of the dark if we don't let our souls or hearts be infected by the negative viruses that are these negative beings planted in the human psyche.

This is why we need discipline, it is our salvation, when practiced spiritually, physically and mentally, ''To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.''- Buddha

by Carlita Shaw
Author of The Silent Ecocide, a crisis of human consciousness

Further reading
As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession

Gnostic Teachings


Great article. As a nutrition consultant and natural therapist, for a long time I felt that getting the right nutrition was the most important base, then address the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. But I've come round to thinking it's the other way around. Until the energetic and spiritual are addressed, even the best diet isn't going to do the job.

Thanks, I think its a balance of both maybe as nutrition is the foundation of the immune system? I've neglected to be as careful as I usually am and I don't think its helped, please add any of your advice and insights?

Yes, probably a chicken and egg situation. How do you know which to address first? For me, its whatever the client wants. That's where they are ready to start.
In which way have you neglected to be as careful as usual?

I need to give up caffine lol, I struggle with that one!

There are a few things to think about there. How much are you having, in what way is it a problem, and why is it a struggle. Sometimes you rely on the coffee because of underlying conditions causing fatigue, which need to be addressed first (or alongside at least).

I already have adrenal burn out, I will give it up its just morning ritual. If you are interested in superfoods Maca poowder is incredible and its made from a root here in Ecuador.

Our replies are already nested as deep as they will go, so am replying up the thread a bit. Yes, maca is one of the things we have in our cupboard.

I'm heading for bed now, but if you're on RocketChat and want a chat, reply to me and I'll look for you tomorrow.

i've never used the chat here, I have followed you and will read your articles

Hmm. If food and sleep are addressed first, then if symptoms persist, you can proceed with looking for other causes of imbalance with the knowledge that food and sleep have been adequately addressed. If food and sleep are inadequate, this may produce the imbalances that appear superficially similar to psycho-spiritual distress, and sabotage effective treatment of the latter if it turns out to be the cause of the distress.

(Also, a person experiencing a major imbalance often works very hard to avoid conscious awareness of the cause of their distress - and so may insist that their poor diet/sleep habits/relationships/etc. are fine and incorrectly identify the problem as spiritual/energetic. A good medicine person will often have to trick the patient into doing the sensible, healthy thing by rationalizing it with the language of spirits/unseen forces.)

I should have qualified that with a "sometimes". But also, I should make sure I'm clear on what I meant by energetic. I mean the energy that runs through our electrical system, known as meridians. This is quite different from what I would classify as spiritual causes, and even spiritual doesn't have to mean spirits or unseen forces.
Yes, I agree food and sleep are often the cause. But there may still be underlying imbalances of a variety of kinds that prevent them from doing their job.

Great post! In fact, it was so good that we decided to feature it in our latest newspaper. Read it here:

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Great article

Very interesting article! :)

Wow this was absolutely fascinating to read. As an empath, I always wonder what types of energetic forces I'm susceptible to. Thank you for sharing, I can't wait to read more. Following!

Thank you for the great article. It's all so true.

Very interesting topic, i like it.

Check out my post about us as Multi dimensionality beings.

i will follow you