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RE: ...

in #philosophy7 years ago

While I like the thought process, can't say I agree.

A person could take a pill of vitamin D - particle - or they could expose themselves to sunlight, in which the UV spectrum - wave - is absorbed through the skin, and the body carries out a set of processes to convert the energy of that frequency into the chemical particle of vitamin D.

Vitamin D particle would be a wave and a particle, regardless if you state it's a particle. So I guess I am not sure about the examples differentiating between the two since they are tied together.

The wave of light we get is made of particles. Which particles are then made of waves.

Our body is not technically taking a wave in... We are responding to the radiated particles and using that to create vitamin D particles.... It is not really a wave to particle as it's more particle to particle.... Or I guess you could think wave to wave....

There's no difference between wave formed vs particle formed as the particle is the wave form.

For example we know the electron is a wave, but it's a particle.... This was proven by the slit test sometime in the middle of the 1900's. Maybe earlier?

But regardless if we know it moves in a wave, the individual particle, not talking about light or anything, it is still an individual particle that is causing the reaction.

I could be misinterpreting your examples though...

Nice train of thought though! I should start posting my random trains of thought more often haha.



of course, this is just some loose thinking and nothing along the lines of a scientific text - food for thought, not necessarily detailed facts articulated perfectly.

I should start posting my random trains of thought more often haha.

a strategy that can surprisingly produce some great gems... ;-)

I love it man haha. Keep it up. I know I don't have nto tell you to keep it up, but I just wanted to haha.

I have often thought about making some sort of channel, or posting thoughts that I come to logical conclusions on without any scientific background. Then after posting it, either proof check it for legitimacy, or have the internet tell me I am wrong or right.

Just to see how much you could learn or come to the correct answer based completely on logic and not any scientific research.

Granted, it would have to be based in some knowledge, but maybe knowledge based on experience that you logically think through, and stealing words from the Dune books, make a mathematical "projection," based on those thoughts.

Next time I have something interesting like this, I will definitely write about it.

not a bad idea.

i'd suppose most such thoughts and knowledge get pulled out of the ether before confirmation - would indeed be interesting to have such a system to check and verify, cultivating trust in one's initial "instinct..."