For me personally I propose a third option. I believe that there is a God that knows our every waking thought and what each day will bring for us. At the same time I believe that we can choose to do as we wish without interference.
Kind of like a parent knowing their child is going to sneak out to a party but that same parents knowledge not forcing the child to act one way or another.
It's a fascinating debate and I myself can definitely be wrong. It's something that cannot be proven. It requires a tremendous amount of faith.
I'm not looking to debate religious things with anyone in this post, but I believe that the complexity of our bodies and how each cell contains incredible things seen only under extreme magnification and how each organ works together to form a working breathing body.
That leads me to believe we are something like a Rolex watch. If you find a Rolex in a park you don't think "I guess the park made this Rolex over time" you think someone owns this and someone put each piece together.
The famous evolutionist Richard Dawkins would adamantly disagree with my beliefs. That is quite alright. We can both disagree amicably and love one another despite our beliefs and without any animosity or belittling of an opposing viewpoint.
Astrology is interesting to me as well. I have wondered if you can be "more" of a certain sign if born in the middle of the month and day range verses being born a day before a sign changes to another. And what astrological source or book is most reliable as for horoscopes since there are so many different sources.
I could go on further, but I don't wish to make others comments need too much scrolling to get to.
I am curious about your former name and how you chose your current one (would be an interesting post if you haven't touched on it already) or if you wish to share in the comments I would definitely like to know. You have quite a unique name which would definitely make sure that you won't meet many other @rok-sivante s
This post deserves much more love than it has received so far.
didn't think I was gonna go there publically, but fuck it...
A Tale Of Transformation: Why I Legally Changed My Name A Decade Ago...
re: astrology... yep, timing of month has different influences. I don't think there's one source/book... something that requires lengthy study from multiple sources before putting the pieces together to see from the multiple angles necessary to really grasp...